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Audio/Video Archives - 2015-2016 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Higher Education Policy and Finance

Higher Education Policy and Finance

Chair: Rep. Bud Nornes

Tuesday, March 22, 2016
2:45 PM to 4:30 PM
5 State Office Building

I. Call To Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Minutes

IV. MHEC Chair Senator David Pearce

V. HF2590 (Green)
No-net-gain policy for state acquisition of real property established.

VI. HF2591 (Green)
State acquisition of real property in fee approval required.

VII. HF3237 (Nornes)
Higher education provision technical and policy changes made.

VIII. OHE Commissioner Larry Pogemiller:
OHE Update
Governor’s Recommendation

Bills Added:
HF2590 (Green) - No-net-gain policy for state acquisition of real property established.
HF2591 (Green) - State acquisition of real property in fee approval required.
HF3237 (Nornes) - Office of Higher Education, Minnesota State colleges and Universities, and the University of Minnesota policy and finance provided including programs for student loans, college readiness and remediation, students with disabilities, fetal tissue research, psychiatric drug trials, and collegiate recovery; appropriations modified; and reports required.
HF3090 (O'Neill) - Student loan counseling program unworkable requirement eliminated.
H3237A1.pdf (3/22/2016)

Health and Human Services Reform

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Additional bills may be added.
Bills Added:
HF2803 (Zerwas) - Clinical drug trial participation prohibited by persons subject to emergency admission or apprehend and hold orders, and notice requirement for early termination of an emergency admission specified.
HF2665 (Zerwas) - Minnesota Eligibility System Executive Steering Committee established to govern the Minnesota eligibility system, and MNsure board composition modified.
HF2405 (Zerwas) - Human services commissioner required to seek a federal waiver to allow MinnesotaCare enrollees access to advanced premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions.
HF3150 (Whelan) - Abortion data required to be reported by physicians or facilities modified.
HF2985 (Quam) - Household size methodology for pregnant women under medical assistance clarified.
HF3276 (Mack) - Consumer-directed community supports budget methodology existing exception sunset extended.
HF2539 (Halverson) - Continuum of care for individuals with substance use disorders support grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2614 (Zerwas) - Medical assistance coverage of oral health assessments requirements set, and medical assistance payment rates for dental services increased.
HF2437 (Zerwas) - Dental service medical assistance payment rates modified.
HF2436 (Zerwas) - Dental service medical assistance payment rates governing provisions modified.
HF3277 (Zerwas) - Food stamp employment and training program reimbursement requirements changed, and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program appropriation requirements modified.

Government Operations and Elections Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Please note that the agenda has changed.
Bills Added:
HF3436 (Franson) - Child care legislative task force created, and report to legislature and governor required.
HF978 (Zerwas) - Genetic counselors licensed.
HF2757 (Pugh) - Cities authorized to exempt land less than 20 acres from the fence-viewing process, and cities authorized to adopt fence policies.
HF3024 (Runbeck) - Barber Examiners Board provisions modified, and rulemaking authorized.
A16-0912.pdf (3/22/2016)
H0978A3.pdf (3/22/2016)
Senate A-1 amendment.pdf (3/22/2016)
A16-0915.pdf (3/22/2016)

Health and Human Services Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Presentation of MN Department of Health bonding request.

Presentation of MN Department of Human Services bonding requests.

If you would like to testify on HF 2394, HF 2395 or HF 2776, please contact Chris Stolarzyk, Committee Legislative Assistant, at

*HF 2776 (Baker) is informational only.
Bills Added:
HF2395 (Johnson) - Minnesota sex offender program facilities at the St. Peter Regional Treatment Center phase 2 improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2394 (Johnson) - Minnesota Security Hospital at St. Peter renovation and expansion funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2776 (Baker) - Human Services Department Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Services new facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Mining and Outdoor Recreation Policy

HF3382 (Hackbarth) - turkey stamp and related revenues eliminated.

HF3458 (Erickson) - relating to outdoor recreation; economic development; establishing a Lake Mille Lacs Area economic relief program.

The Committee will be taking action on bills listed.

***Additional bills may be added.***

If you would like to testify on any of the bills posted, please contact Committee Legislative Assistant Claire Leiter at
Bills Added:
HF1182 (Anderson) - Online hunting and fishing license application required to provide for organ donation, and report required.
HF2674 (Lueck) - Mineral Coordinating Committee extended, task force created to study aggregate resources, and appointments provided.
HF2819 (Drazkowski) - Night vision equipment use when hunting predators allowed.
HF3022 (Fabian) - Elk management plan requirements modified, and annual reports required.
HF3207 (Anderson) - Muskellunge introduction or stocking prohibited.
HF3160 (Anderson) - Night vision possession restrictions modified.
HF3310 (Hertaus) - Sophia's Law created; marine carbon monoxide detection systems required on motorboats, and safety information on carbon monoxide poisoning from motorboats required.
HF2072 (Albright) - Watercraft and motor vehicle transfer-on-death title provided, and transfer exempted from motor vehicle sales tax.
HF3458 (Erickson) - Lake Mille Lacs area economic relief program established, special property tax abatement aid authorized, state general levy refund authorized, and money appropriated.
HF1182 DE.pdf (3/21/2016)
H2674A1.pdf (3/21/2016)
H3310-DE1.pdf (3/21/2016)
H3022DE1.pdf (3/21/2016)
H3458A1.pdf (3/21/2016)

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

Bills Added:
HF2810 (Howe) - Public safety officer death benefits modified, and definitions of the hometown heroes act adopted.
HF3223 (Miller) - Housing offenders in nonpublicly owned facilities authorized.
H2810A1.pdf (3/21/2016)
H3223DE1.pdf (3/21/2016)


Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF 3463 (Davids) Middle class family tax reductions provided, loopholes closed, tax fairness provided, and money appropriated.
Bills Added:
HF3316 (Davids) - Income, franchise, and property tax refund provisions conformed to changes in federal law.
HF2911 (Anderson) - Income, franchise, and property tax refund provisions conformed to changes in federal law.
HF2912 (Anderson) - Income, franchise, and property tax refund provisions conformed to changes in federal law.
HF2875 (Rosenthal) - Income, franchise, and property tax refund provisions conformed to changes in federal law; administrative mechanism for conforming to future changes made; account created; and money transferred.
16-5199.pdf (3/21/2016)

State Government Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF460 (Hackbarth) - Shooting sports facility in the metropolitan area funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1046 (Newberger) - Camp Ripley Emergency Management Training Facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF454 (Mahoney) - Minnesota Humanities Center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Rules and Legislative Administration

Audio Available: Download Mp3

Veterans Affairs Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF2946 (Kiel) - Game and fish resident licenses for nonresident National Guard members provided.
HF2961 (Uglem) - State park passes issued without a fee to military members and disabled veterans conditions modified.
HF1734 (Persell) - State park pass issuance conditions for military personnel and disabled veterans without a fee modified.
HF3101 (Lueck) - Obsolete language related to the repealed veterans affairs commissioner guardianship program removed.
HF3118 (Freiberg) - Disabled veteran property tax abatement provided.
HF3167 (Dettmer) - Congressional Medal of Honor focus in character development education encouraged.
HF2342 (Dettmer) - Capitol grounds memorial commemorating Minnesotans awarded the Medal of Honor provided.
H3118DE1.pdf (3/21/2016)

Transportation Policy and Finance

Review of Minnesota Dept of Transportation (MNDOT) and Dept of Public Safety (DPS) Report on Dedicated Fund Expenditures and Transfers from the Trunk Highway Fund (THF) and the Highway User Tax Distribution Fund (HUTD) for the years 2010 through 2015. Testimony will be provided by MNDOT and DPS

DPS Deputy Commissioner Mark Dunaski
MNDOT Deputy Commissioner, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer

The Committee will also reconsider with a procedural motion to lay over the bills heard in informational hearing on April 22, 2015 and April 23, 2015. These bills (see attached list on agenda) will be laid over for possible inclusion in the capital investment bill or a omnibus transportation policy and finance bill. There will be no testimony taken.

Ways and Means

Minnesota Management & Budget: Presentation of Governor's Supplemental Budget

Other bills may be added
Bills Added:
HF333 (Newberger) - Legislative approval of a state plan to comply with federal regulations regarding emissions from existing power plants required.
HF1732 (Smith) - Federal REAL ID Act planning and implementation activities governed; planning, analysis, and enforcement extension activities directed; report required; and requirements on state fund use established.

Select Committee on Affordable Child Care

Audio Available: Download Mp3

The Select Committee on Affordable Child Care will be having an informational hearing on HFXXXX (Franson) on Monday evening starting at 6:30 p.m. or the call of the chair.

AGENDA: HFXXXX (Franson) Modifying certain provisions governing child care programs and creating a legislative task force on child care.

If you would like to testify, please contact David Larson at

Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Presentations from Department of Employment and Economic Development; Minnesota Housing Finance Agency; Commerce Department regarding Governor's supplemental budget recommendations.

Bills Added:
HF2798 (O'Neill) - Dual training grant program clarified.
HF2716 (Mahoney) - Pathways to prosperity career pathways grant program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3065 (O'Neill) - Minneapolis; YWCA grant funding provided, and money appropriated.

Subcommittee on Metropolitan Council Accountability and Transparency

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF2104 (Albright) - Sewer availability charges imposed on eating or drinking establishments that add or expand outdoor seating regulated.
HF2467 (Albright) - Metropolitan Council membership and terms modified, Blue Ribbon Commission on the Metropolitan Council created, appointments provided, and money appropriated.
H2104A1.pdf (3/17/2016)
H2467DE2.pdf (3/17/2016)
H2104A2.pdf (3/17/2016)

State Government Finance

Continued Oversight of Budgeting Practices of Offices and Agencies in Jurisdiction:

Office of the State Auditor
Bills Added:
HF3077 (Anderson) - State auditor enterprise fund repealed, Office of the State Auditor funding from the general fund provided, and money appropriated.

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

Bills Added:
HF2870 (Lueck) - Counties authorized to continue participation in the community corrections subsidy program.

Health and Human Services Finance

Update on Anoka Regional Treatment Center. Presentations by MN Department of Human Services, unions, counties and MN Hospital Association.

Greater Minnesota Economic and Workforce Development Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
*Please note that the committee has an amendment deadline of 5 p.m. the day prior to a hearing. Submit amendments to the committee administrator, Laura Larson, at
Bills Added:
HF2381 (Baker) - Broadband grant program modified, state broadband goals amended, report required, and money appropriated.

Government Operations and Elections Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Note: the language for HF 2249 will be amended on to HF 2270.
Bills Added:
HF2270 (Petersburg) - State Capitol grounds plaque or marker placement authorized to honor workers who constructed the Capitol building.
HF2603 (Green) - Notice, public hearing, and response to questions and comments required before purchasing real property with public money.
HF887 (O'Driscoll) - Unclaimed lottery prize money dedicated for acquisition of school trust lands, and money appropriated.
H2270DE1.pdf (3/17/2016)
H2603A1_1.pdf (3/17/2016)
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