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Audio/Video Archives - 2017-2018 Regular Session

Health and Human Services Finance

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Health and Human Services Finance

Mark-up of the HHS Omnibus bill.

*HF 3196 (Fenton) has already had a hearing in HHS Finance Committee. The committee will be taking action and passing the bill.
Bills Added:
HF3138 (Dean) - Omnibus health, human services, and transportation policy and finance bill.
HF3196 (Fenton) - Step therapy protocol and override for prescription drug coverage established.

Health and Human Services Finance

Public Testimony on the HHS Omnibus Bill. Please limit testimony to 2 minutes.

To testify, please contact Shiloh Larson,

* HF 3138 (Dean, M) will be the vehicle for the HHS Omnibus bill.
**Amendments drafted to the delete-all amendment must be submitted to the Committee Administrator, Holly Iverson, by 7:00 PM Wednesday.

Bills Added:
HF3138 (Dean) - Omnibus health, human services, and transportation policy and finance bill.

Health and Human Services Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
If you would like to testify, please contact Shiloh Larson, Committee Legislative Assistant, at

Bills may be taken in any order. Additional bills may be added to the agenda.

Due to the number of bills on the agenda, please limit testimonies and presentations out of consideration for other testifiers.

**HF 4206 and HF 4283 will have informational hearings**
Bills Added:
HF3848 (Schomacker) - Nurse Licensure Compact created, and money appropriated.
HF2389 (Gruenhagen) - Alternative pain management pilot program established, and evaluation of pilot program required.
HF3196 (Fenton) - Step therapy protocol and override for prescription drug coverage established.
HF2753 (Kiel) - Board of Medical Practice authorized to issue a limited license to practice medicine in rural or underserved communities for international medical graduates.
HF3627 (Wills) - 2007 report on runaway and homeless youth update required.
HF3204 (Peterson) - Breast cancer screening procedure coverage required.
HF3171 (Kiel) - Health commissioner required to convene the older adult social isolation working group, report required, and money appropriated.
HF1660 (Zerwas) - Mobile food shelf grant program established, and money appropriated.
HF3338 (Johnson) - Security screening systems added to ionizing radiation-producing equipment, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
HF972 (Johnson) - Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board authorized to adopt rules authorizing certified emergency medical services personnel to assist with administering emergency prescription medications and participate in care coordination, and rulemaking required.
HF3822 (Albright) - Duty to warn and reciprocity for mental health professionals expanded, and technical changes made.
HF3367 (Zerwas) - Practice of advanced practice registered nurses modified.
HF1269 (Zerwas) - 340B drug identification and report process development required, alternative payment methodology for federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics established, allowable costs for change of scope of services clarified, and federally qualified health centers permitted to submit claims for payment directly to human services commissioner.
HF873 (Hamilton) - Intermediate care facility reimbursement rates modified for persons with developmental disabilities and for home and community-based providers.
HF1440 (Baker) - Opioid Addiction Prevention and Treatment Advisory Council established; opioid addiction prevention and treatment account established; substance use disorder treatment provider requirements modified; opioid addiction prevention, education, research, intervention, treatment, and recovery provisions modified; reports required; and money appropriated.
HF2741 (Quam) - Report to legislature required on medical assistance, long-term services and supports, and other public assistance program applications.
HF237 (Dean) - Health care delivery pilot program created by or including North Memorial Health Care established.
HF4206 (Zerwas) - Electronic visit verification modified.
HF4283 (Murphy) - Insulin availability to uninsured individuals through volume purchase required, and money appropriated.
HF490 (Lien) - Moorhead; nursing facility operating payment rate modified.
HF1974 (Albright) - Mental health and substance use disorder work group established, and report required.
H3627A2-1 (Wills) Amendment.pdf (4/11/2018)
HF 3196 (Fenton) MN Psychiatric Society support letter.pdf (4/11/2018)
H2389DE3-1 (Gruenhagen) Amendment.pdf (4/12/2018)
HF 3848 (Schomacker) Sanford Health Letter.pdf (4/12/2018)
H0237DE5 (Dean, M) Amendment.pdf (4/13/2018)
A18-0754 (Schomacker) Amendment.pdf (4/13/2018)
H0972A1 (Johnson, C) Amendment.pdf (4/13/2018)
H1269DE2-1 (Zerwas) Amendment.pdf (4/13/2018)
H1440A8-1 (Baker) Amendment.pdf (4/13/2018)
H0873DE1 (Hamilton) Amendment.pdf (4/13/2018)
H1269DE2-1 (Zerwas) Amendment.pdf (4/13/2018)
HF3848-1E (Schomacker) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/13/2018)
HF 3848 (Schmoacker) Gundersen Health System Letter.pdf (4/13/2018)
HF 3822 (Albright) Behavioral Health and Therapy Board Summary Sheet.docx (4/13/2018)
HF 3848 (Schomacker) MOLN Letter.docx (4/13/2018)
H1660A1 (Zerwas) Amendment.pdf (4/13/2018)
HF 3848 (Schomacker) U of M Support Letter.pdf (4/13/2018)
HF 3848 (Schomacker) Written Testimony Carolyn Mueller.pdf (4/13/2018)
H3204A3 (Peterson) Amendment.pdf (4/13/2018)
HF 1660 (Zerwas) Hunger Solutions Handout.pdf (4/13/2018)
HF 3848 (Schomacker) Avera Health Letter.pdf (4/15/2018)
HF 3848 (Schomacker) U of MN Letter.pdf (4/15/2018)
HF 34848 (Schomacker) Christine Mueller Testimony.pdf (4/15/2018)
HF 3848 (Schomacker) Allina Health Letter.pdf (4/15/2018)
HF4206-0 (Zerwas) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/15/2018)
HF490_1E (Lien) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/15/2018)
HF2741-0 (Quam) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/15/2018)
HF 972 (Johnson C) Adrenal Crisis Pathway.pdf (4/16/2018)
HF 972 (Johnson, C.) Written Testimony.docx (4/16/2018)
HF 3848 (Schomacker) MNORN letter.pdf (4/16/2018)
HF3196-1E (Fenton) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/16/2018)
HF1269-4A (Zerwas) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/16/2018)
H972 (Johnson, C.) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/16/2018)
H873 (Hamilton) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/16/2018)
HF3171-0 (‪Kiel) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/16/2018)
HF3204-2E (Peterson) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/16/2018)

Health and Human Services Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
If you would like to testify, please contact Shiloh Larson, Committee Legislative Assistant, at

Bills may be taken in any order. Additional bills may be added to the agenda.

Due to the number of bills on the agenda, please limit testimonies and presentations out of consideration for other testifiers.

**BILL ADDED** HF 3323 (Zerwas)
Bills Added:
HF4030 (Petersburg) - Intermediate care facility for persons with developmental disabilities rate increase provided.
HF3542 (Zerwas) - Community action grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2653 (Fenton) - Human herpesvirus cytomegalovirus information made available.
HF501 (Fenton) - Voice response suicide prevention and mental health crisis response program funding provided to expand statewide text message response program, and money appropriated.
HF2178 (Theis) - Doula services medical assistance reimbursement rates established.
HF3201 (Zerwas) - Anoka-Metro Regional Treatment Center county's cost of care modified.
HF3323 (Zerwas) - State operated services modified.

Health and Human Services Finance

If you would like to testify, please contact Shiloh Larson, Committee Legislative Assistant, at

Bills may be taken in any order. Additional bills may be added to the agenda.

Due to the number of bills on the agenda, please limit testimonies and presentations out of consideration for other testifiers.

**BILLS ADDED** HF 1403 (Kiel), HF 118 (Howe) and HF 3859 (Lee)
Bills Added:
HF3975 (Loeffler) - Hennepin County; foster family recruitment grant funds provided, and money appropriated.
HF3857 (Kiel) - Maltreatment investigation quarterly report required.
HF3574 (Pinto) - Health commissioner required to distribute grants to address disparities in prenatal care access and utilization, and money appropriated.
HF3308 (Kiel) - Older and vulnerable adult protections provided, health care and home care bills of rights modified, regulation of home care providers modified, correction order provisions modified, training and operations panel within the Office of Health Facility Complaints established, vulnerable adult maltreatment reporting requirements modified, working groups established, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF3291 (Anselmo) - Statewide cessation services to help Minnesotans quit using tobacco products authorized, tobacco cessation account in the special revenue fund established, and money transferred to tobacco cessation account.
HF3251 (Zerwas) - Planning estimates for the home and community-based services innovation pool modified.
HF3169 (Schomacker) - Background study requirements for minors living in a licensed foster care home modified.
HF3134 (Backer) - Children's residential treatment payment provisions effective date amended, and children's mental health report and recommendations deadline extended.
HF2996 (Kresha) - Child Welfare Training System modification required, report required, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
HF4113 (Kresha) - Home visiting programs for families with young children appropriation modified.
HF3455 (Zerwas) - Behavioral health service provider provisions modified.
HF3640 (Albright) - Temporary license suspensions and background checks modified for health-related professionals.
HF3778 (Peterson) - Child care provisions relating to families experiencing homelessness modified.
HF3823 (Schomacker) - Minnesota Health Policy Commission established, and money appropriated.
HF3860 (Albright) - Senior companion program and foster grandparents program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3859 (Lee) - Funding for mental health in disability communities provided, and money appropriated.
HF1403 (Kiel) - Alcohol and drug counselors added to the health professional education loan forgiveness program.
HF118 (Howe) - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) asset limitations modified.
HF2996-0 (Kresha) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/4/2018)
HF3134-1E (Backer) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/4/2018)
HF3857-0 (Kiel) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/4/2018)
H3134A2 (Backer) Amendment.pdf (4/4/2018)
HF1403-0 (Kiel) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/4/2018)
H3455A1 (Zerwas) Amendment.pdf (4/5/2018)
HF3169-1E (Schomacker) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/6/2018)
HF 3291 (Anselmo) MSFG 2018 Factsheet.pdf (4/7/2018)
HF 3291 (Anselmo) Letter of Support.pdf (4/7/2018)
HF 3860 (Albright) Senior Companion Flyer.pdf (4/9/2018)
H3455A4 (Zerwas) Amendment.pdf (4/9/2018)
HF 3291 (Anselmo) MMA Letter of Support.pdf (4/9/2018)
HF 3134 (Backer) Nexus Support Letter.pdf (4/9/2018)
HF3823-1E (Schomacker) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/9/2018)
H3134A3 (Backer) Amendment.pdf (4/9/2018)
HF 1403 (Kiel) A18-0741 Amendment.pdf (4/9/2018)
HF 3251 (Zerwas) 2018 HCBS Innovation Pool one-pager.pdf (4/10/2018)
HF 3251 (Zerwas) Microgrant Success Story.pdf (4/10/2018)
H3860A1 (Albright) Amendment.pdf (4/10/2018)
HF 118 (Howe) MN Budget Project Letter.pdf (4/10/2018)
H4113A1 (Kresha) Amendment.pdf (4/10/2018)
HF 4113 (Kresha) About Home Visiting.pdf (4/10/2018)
HF 4113 (Kresha) Targeted Home Visiting.pdf (4/10/2018)
HF 3574 (Pinto) March of Dimes Birth Disparities.pdf (4/10/2018)
HF 3574 (Pinto) MDH Prenatal Care Barriers.pdf (4/10/2018)
HF 3574 (Pinto) March of Dimes Support Letter.pdf (4/10/2018)
H3823A6_1 (Schomacker) Amendment.pdf (4/10/2018)
H3823A4 (Schomacker) Amendment.pdf (4/10/2018)
H1403A1_1 (Kiel) Amendment.pdf (4/10/2018)
H3308A6 (Kiel) Amendment.pdf (4/10/2018)
H3308A7_1 (Kiel) Amendment.pdf (4/10/2018)
HF 3542 (Zerwas) Program Grid.pdf (4/10/2018)
HF 3542 (Zerwas) MinnCAP Map for Legislators.pdf (4/10/2018)
HF 118 (Howe) MABC Letter.pdf (4/10/2018)
H3308A5 (Kiel) Amendment.pdf (4/10/2018)
H3308A3 (Kiel) Amendment.pdf (4/10/2018)
H3778A2 (Peterson) Amendment.pdf (4/10/2018)
H3455A2 (Zerwas) Amendment.pdf (4/10/2018)
HF 118 (Howe) NonprofitPrepareProsperArticle.pdf (4/11/2018)
HF3134-2A (Backer) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/11/2018)
HF 3860 (Albright) Retired senior companion volunteer article.pdf (4/11/2018)
HF3251-0 (Zerwas) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/11/2018)
HF 3574 (Pinto) Health Partners Letter.pdf (4/11/2018)
HF 3574 (Pinto) Childrens' Minnesota Letter.pdf (4/11/2018)
HF 3574 (Pinto) American Indian Women's Resource Center Letter.pdf (4/11/2018)
HF 3574 (Pinto) Division of Indian Work Letter.pdf (4/11/2018)
HF3291-1E (Anselmo) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/11/2018)
HF3574-0 (Pinto) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/11/2018)
HF2741-0 (Quam) Fiscal Note.pdf (4/11/2018)
HF 118 (Howe) MN Partners to End Hunger.docx (4/11/2018)
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