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Audio/Video Archives - 2013-2014 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Health and Human Services Finance

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HF139 (Nornes) Otter Tail County; nursing facility payment rate increase provided.
HF375 (Erickson) Nursing facility rate increase provided for.
Office of the Legislative Auditor’s (OLA) report- Medical Assistance Payment Rates for Dental Services.
HF176 (Norton) Dental services for the disabled expanded.
HF408 (Norton) Dental reimbursement provisions modified. (May be moved to Wed. March 13)
To sign up to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator Lucy Morgan at

Health and Human Services Policy

No additional public testimony will be taken on HF573. The committee will only entertain amendments and vote on the bill.
To testify please contact Committee Administrator Matthew Bergeron at
Bills Added:
HF1117 (Huntley) - Chemical and mental health and human service licensing provisions modified, methadone treatment program standards established, drug treatment provisions modified, and Schedule I controlled substances added to list.
HF947 (Liebling) - Sexually dangerous persons and persons with sexual psychopathic personalities commitment law distinguished and clarified from other civil commitments.
HF1114 (Abeler) - Licensing data, human services licensing, child care programs, financial fraud and abuse investigations, vendors of chemical dependency treatment services, fair hearing, health-related licensing board, and background study provisions modified; and report required.
HF1206 (Isaacson) - Body art regulations modified, and criminal penalties provided.
HF573 (Ward) - Public employees insurance program regulated, and school employer participation required.
Bills Added:
HF1114 (Abeler) - Licensing data, human services licensing, child care programs, financial fraud and abuse investigations, vendors of chemical dependency treatment services, fair hearing, health-related licensing board, and background study provisions modified; and report required.
HF1117 (Huntley) - Chemical and mental health and human service licensing provisions modified, methadone treatment program standards established, drug treatment provisions modified, and Schedule I controlled substances added to list.
HF1206 (Isaacson) - Body art regulations modified, and criminal penalties provided.

Housing Finance and Policy

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Informational hearing will take place on the governor's proposals aroung housing initiatives and programs (HF1344).
Bills Added:
HF536 (Davnie) - Residential property contracts for deed notice established, and remedies provided.
HF8 (Mullery) - Supporting Responsible Homeowners and Stabilizing Neighborhoods Act enacted, and homeowner opportunities provided in regard to underwater mortgage loans and foreclosure relief on residential homestead property.
HF1344 (Clark) - Omnibus housing finance and policy bill.
Bills Added:
HF1055 (Clark) - Mortgage registry and deed tax deposit in the housing development fund provided.
HF1377 (Hortman) - Mortgage lender and servicer loss mitigation required, and mortgage foreclosure dual tracking prohibited.

Higher Education Finance and Policy

Presentation by the MN Office of Higher Education: MN State Grant Spending, part-time students. Report from the University of Minnesota on the cost of administration, President Eric Kaler. University of Minnesota 2014-2015 biennial budget request.

Energy Policy

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Bills Added:
HF1001 (Ward) - Utility disconnection notice to cities regulated.
HF1079 (Benson) - Geothermal heating and cooling systems allowed to apply to a utility's renewable energy obligation under certain conditions.
HF1167 (Melin) - Renewable development account funds allocated, "Made in Minnesota" solar energy production incentive account created, and financial incentives provided for photovoltaic modules manufactured in Minnesota.
HF1029 (Persell) - Petroleum inspection fee revenue clarified.
HF1147 (Dehn) - Energy improvement program terms defined for local governments.
HF1326 (McNamar) - Emission reduction project cost recovery provided.
HF879 (Falk) - University of Minnesota; renewable energy research funding extended.
HF1075 (Falk) - Renewable development account annual transferred fee revised for each cask of spent nuclear fuel stored in Minnesota.
HF1170 (Falk) - Small electricity generator maximum capacity to qualify for net metering amended, rate at which small generators may elect to be paid by utilities definition amended, and treatment of a purchase from a small generator by a nongenerating utility supplied by a municipal power agency amended.
HF1174 (Falk) - Public Utilities Commission required to initiate a proceeding culminating in an order establishing standards for utility rates regarding the interconnection of small electric generating facilities.
HF1015 (Selcer) - Gas utility infrastructure cost recovery regulated.
HF1146 (Morgan) - Public Utilities Commission required to initiate a proceeding regarding interconnection of distributed generation facilities, establishment and operation provided for community solar generating facilities, ownership of renewable energy credit governing provisions amended, and residential solar design standards established.
HF1000 (Kelly) - Emissions reduction-rate rider modified for projects, and commissioner of commerce required to make assessments to fund clean energy resource teams.
HF1084 (Kelly) - Transmission cost utility recovery regulated.
HF1301 (Hortman) - State energy conservation policies provided.
HF338 (Bly) - Eminent domain provisions modified with respect to electric power utilities.
HF955 (Hortman) - Small electric generators maximum capacity to qualify for net metering amended.
HF854 (Atkins) - Distributed generation and renewable energy provisions modified, conservation improvement investments for low-income programs regulated, and eminent domain and condemnation procedures modified.
HF567 (Melin) - Solar energy requirements modified for state buildings.
HF623 (Melin) - Biomass mandate project and a proposed high-voltage transmission line regulated.
HF421 (Quam) - Hydroelectric energy project revolving loan fund established to facilitate the dredging of lakes to improve water flow, report required, funding provided, and money appropriated.

Education Policy

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**NOTE** HF1067 is authored by Rep. Roger Erickson. Also, the deadline for amendments for Monday's hearing is noon that day.
Bills Added:
HF1067 (Erickson) - Land transfer from Red Lake School District to the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians authorized.
HF984 (Urdahl) - Coaches; school boards prohibited from not renewing a coaching contract based solely on the existence of parent complaints.
HF734 (Urdahl) - Career and technical education advisory task force established for improving student outcomes in grades 11 to 14.
HF354 (Selcer) - Teacher licensure renewal requirements related to recognizing mental illness in children and adolescents clarified.
HF562 (Abeler) - Medical assistance coverage provided for services provided by a licensed professional counselor.
HF1151 (Mariani) - Early childhood through grade 12 and adult education policies modified including student accountability, educators, school programs and operations, charter schools, special education, and early childhood education; rulemaking authorized; reports required; and money appropriated.

State Government Finance and Veterans Affairs

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Additional bills may be added
Bills Added:
HF525 (Erhardt) - Active duty service members allowed to take a peace officer reciprocity examination.
HF591 (Sanders) - Partisan office vacancy nomination procedures modified, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF819 (Murphy) - Public Facilities Authority grant programs reorganized, and small community wastewater treatment grants provided.
HF1241 (Dettmer) - Community safety personnel training about the use of de-escalation techniques for dealing with veterans returning from active military service in combat zones funding provided, and grant money appropriated to public safety.
HF764 (Mariani) - Minnesota Humanities Commission grant established for a reading program for Minnesota children, funding provided, and money appropriated.

Education Policy

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Bills Added:
HF716 (Selcer) - Teacher licensure testing requirements clarified.
HF1257 (Yarusso) - Teacher candidates and licensure basic skills requirements clarified, and advisory task force established.
HF1337 (Brynaert) - Statewide assessments aligned with state academic standards, career and college readiness benchmarks series provided, funding provided, and money appropriated.

Energy Policy

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Bills Added:
HF880 (Hornstein) - Renewable energy standard increased and extended to 2030, solar energy standard established, renewable energy projects exempted from the certificate of need process, uniform reporting of rate impacts of meeting the renewable energy standard required, and treatment and trading of renewable energy credits modified.

Health and Human Services Policy

No formal action will be taken on HF573. The committee will hear public testimony and there will be an opportunity for members to ask questions.

To testify please contact Committee Administrator Matthew Bergeron at
Bills Added:
HF573 (Ward) - Public employees insurance program regulated, and school employer participation required.
HF688 (Winkler) - Schools allowed to maintain a supply of epinephrine auto-injectors, and immunity from liability provided.
HF969 (Dorholt) - Chemical and mental health and state-operated service provisions modified, data sharing allowed, task force repealed, terminology updated and obsolete provisions repealed, and technical changes made.
HF739 (Moran) - Children and family service provisions modified; data practice provisions changed; and contractual agreement provisions changed with tribes, child care programs, community action agencies, the Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP), general assistance, group residential housing, and maltreatment reporting.
HF975 (Benson) - Human services fair hearing and internal audit provisions modified, Cultural and Ethnic Leadership Communities Council created, obsolete language removed, and technical changes made.
HF820 (Loeffler) - Health care and medical assistance provisions modified.
HF760 (Loeffler) - Disability outdated terminology updated.
HF1124 (Fritz) - Minnesota Nurse Practicing Act definitions modified.

Health and Human Services Finance

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To sign up to testify, please contact the committee administrator at
Bills Added:
HF937 (Laine) - Human services programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF698 (Halverson) - Runaway and Homeless Youth Act modified, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF119 (Gruenhagen) - McLeod County; nursing facility property rate increase provided.
HF139 (Nornes) - Otter Tail County; nursing facility payment rate increase provided.
HF375 (Erickson) - Princeton; nursing facility rate increase provided.

Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Finance

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Budget Overview: Parks and Trails
Bills Added:
HF116 (Johnson) - St. Paul; Pig's Eye Regional Park funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.


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Bills Added:
HF664 (Laine) - Campaign finance and public disclosure law changed, and definition of public official expanded.
HF979 (Halverson) - Election procedures and administration modified, ballot formatting modified, and timelines adjusted.
HF863 (Winkler) - Campaign finance and public disclosure law; various policy, technical, conforming, and other changes made; additional disclosure provided; regulations, reporting, spending and contribution limits, registration, definitions, and various procedures modified; and public official definition and penalties related to corporate political contributions modified.

Education Policy

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Bills Added:
HF925 (Mariani) - School district ability to request department assistance clarified.
HF771 (Davnie) - Restrictive procedures for children with disabilities use clarified.
HF363 (Benson) - Student services personnel team staffing grant established, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1003 (Morgan) - Minnesota math corps program established, funding provided, and money appropriated.

Early Childhood and Youth Development Policy

At the discretion of the Chair, discussion and amendment will be confined to the purview of the committee's policy jurisdiction.

The cut off for written testimony will be 3pm.
Bills Added:
HF631 (Brynaert) - Minnesota State Colleges and Universities; Board of Trustees and human services commissioner required to convene a summit related to mental health and workforce development issues, and legislative report required.
HF950 (Nelson) - Family child care providers and home and community-based long-term care services collective bargaining authorized, funding provided, and money appropriated.

Education Finance

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Bills Added:
HF247 (Mariani) - Integration revenue replacement advisory task force recommendations implemented, and integration revenue repurposed by establishing the "Achievement and Integration for Minnesota" program to increase student performance and equitable educational opportunities, and prepare all students to be effective citizens.
HF895 (Marquart) - Referendum equalization revenue calculation obsolete language removed.

Agriculture Policy

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Bills Added:
HF1175 (Wagenius) - Minnesota agricultural water quality program established, and rulemaking authorized.

Capital Investment

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Removed from agenda:
Debt service guidelines update, Minnesota Management & Budget

Removed from agenda:
Informational-only hearing: HF409 (Norton) Medical center development authority established and organization, powers, and duties provided for; medical center development districts provided for; bonds and state assistance authorized; tax increment financing provided for within a medical center development district; funding provided; bonds issued; and money appropriated. (only provisions under the committee's jurisdiction)

Added to Agenda:
Minnesota Zoo bonding update

Continued on Agenda:
Amateur Sports Commission bonding update

Public Safety Finance and Policy

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Bills Added:
HF814 (Schoen) - Hazardous substance release report required to local 911 emergency dispatch center.
HF491 (Dehn) - Individual civil rights restored upon release from incarceration, notice required, and county attorney obligation to promptly investigate voter registration and eligibility repealed.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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House Legal Fees
***NOTE: HF1183, HF1184, and HF1233 are governor's budget bills. Pursuant to rule 2.03 of the Joint Rules, the rules committee is required to re-refer any bills necessary to implement the governor's budget if introduced 15 days after the budget was submitted.
Bills Added:
HF143 (Persell) - Minnesotan American Indian veteran plaque authorized for placement in the court of honor on the Minnesota State Capitol grounds.
HF1183 (Kahn) - Omnibus legacy bill.
HF1184 (Murphy) - Omnibus state government finance and veteran affairs bill.
HF1233 (Huntley) - Omnibus health and human services finance bill.
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