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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Leon Lillie (DFL)

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Legislative Update - January 5th, 2017

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Dear neighbors,

Tuesday was the first day of the Legislative Session in St. Paul. I want to thank you for allowing me to honor to continue serving as your state representative. It is truly a privilege. I’m excited to get back to work to move Minnesota forward.

During this extreme cold weather, I like to remind people about Minnesota’s Cold Weather Rule. In Minnesota, natural gas or electric companies cannot shut off a resident’s primary source of heat from October 15 through April 15, unless the natural gas or electric company provides the resident with: notice of disconnection, payment plan options, appeal rights if you cannot agree on a payment plan, list of local energy assistance and weatherization providers, list of no-cost and low-cost methods to conserve energy, and Third Party Notice form. The Cold Weather Rule also applies to renters that pay their own utility bill if the natural gas or electric service is in the renter’s name. Unfortunately, fuels such as oil, propane, and wood are not covered.

Some people may qualify for additional shut off protections if: the household income is less than 50% of the state’s median income; the household enters into and follows a payment plan; and the customer receives information on weatherizing their home or other programs that could help reduce a resident’s energy bill. If you or someone you know may benefit from these protections, please call the energy provider for more details or visit:

Please feel free to contact me at 651.296.1188 or by email at with any questions or concerns.




Leon M. Lillie
State Representative