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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Samantha Vang (DFL)

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Legislative Update

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Rep. Vang


It's been a busy two weeks at the Capitol! We passed several important bills that will now go on to the Senate. 

We need to hold insulin manufacturers accountable for the outrageous, skyrocketing price of the drug that thousands of Minnesotans need to survive. One in four diabetics report rationing their insulin because of the cost, which puts lives in danger. 

The bill the House passed meets the goals of ensuring Minnesotans have emergency access to insulin and access to affordable insulin over the long-term. It holds pharmaceutical companies accountable by requiring them to participate in funding the program, and it can be set up quickly. Now the bill goes to the Republican-led Senate. 

Insulin Cost Graph

The 2020 Census

In March and April of this year, the U.S. Census Bureau will mail information to nearly every home about the 2020 Census. The census provides critical data that directly impacts our community’s representation and federal funding that supports hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other resources. It’s important that you and your household are accurately counted, and that you respond online, by mail, or by phone.

If you watch for the census materials in the mail and fill it out and return it when you receive it, then you do not need to answer the door to a Census Field Employee. By law, information they collect cannot be shared with anyone, including land lords, social workers, law enforcement, or employers. More information is available here.


Questions about Coronavirus

I am hearing from many Minnesotans who want to know more about what we are doing to address the spread of COVID-19, a viral respiratory illness often referred to as the Coronavirus. Minnesota is well prepared to effectively respond to an outbreak. Click here to read more specifics about what’s happening. You can also review a March 2 Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) briefing here

There are currently no confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Minnesota, but experts are telling us it’s not a matter of “if” but “when.” MDH’s labs are prepared to test patients for the condition. There are basic precautions we can all take to prevent the spread of COVID-19. First thing’s first: wash your hands thoroughly. It may seem like common sense, but washing your hands for at least 20 seconds is critical to effectively remove microbiological bacteria. Also, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, and be sure to cover your cough with your sleeve or elbow. Lastly, if you’re sick: stay home.

If you or anyone in your community is concerned or seeking more information, please get in touch with my office. You can find my full contact information online at

Keep your phone calls and emails coming! I always enjoy hearing from you. You can also follow along on my official Facebook page here


Rep. Samantha Vang