1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2672 as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 10, delete "indicate" and insert "include"
1.3Page 1, line 11, delete everything after "(1)" and insert "the number of minutes per
1.4day and frequency per week students in"
1.5Page 1, delete line 12 and insert "each grade level, kindergarten through grade
1.68, receive physical education,"
1.7Page 1, line 13, delete everything before the semicolon and insert "identify the
1.8requirements in high school physical education in terms of semesters, quarters, or school
1.10Page 1, line 18, delete everything after "(4)" and insert "the amount of time and
1.11number of days per week each grade level, kindergarten through grade 6, receives recess;"
1.12Page 1, line 19, delete everything after "(5)" and insert "whether high school
1.13students are allowed to substitute other activities for required physical education, and,
1.14if so, which activities qualify;"
1.15Page 1, delete line 20
1.16Page 1, line 21, delete everything after "(6)" and insert "identify the number or
1.17percentage of high school students who earn required physical education credits online"
1.18Page 1, line 22, delete everything before the semicolon
1.19Page 1, line 23, delete everything after "(7)" and insert "whether schools offer before
1.20or after school physical activities opportunities"
1.21Page 1, line 24, delete everything before the period and insert "in each grade level,
1.22kindergarten through grade 8, and in high school, and, if so, what are the opportunities"