1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2490, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H2490DE5), as follows:
1.3Page 1, line 27, delete "57,150,000" and insert "59,150,000"
1.4Page 2, line 10, delete "59,486,000" and insert "57,486,000"
1.5Page 10, line 25, delete "57,150,000" and insert "59,150,000"
1.6Page 12, line 21, delete "18,900,000" and insert "20,900,000"
1.7Page 13, after line 34, insert:
1.8"(10) $2,000,000 is to pave approximately
1.928.5 miles of the Luce Line Trail from the
1.10Carver-McLeod County border to Cedar
1.11Mills in Meeker County;"
1.12Page 26, line 14, delete "59,486,000" and insert "57,486,000"
1.13Page 27, line 12, delete "9,000,000" and insert "8,000,000"
1.14Page 30, line 22, delete "7,000,000" and insert "6,000,000"