1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2397, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H2397DE1), as follows:
1.3Page 106, after line 5, insert:

1.4    "Section 1. [125A.015] MULTI-TIERED SYSTEM OF SUPPORT (MTSS).
1.5    Subdivision 1. l3.11Definitions. (a) For purposes of this section, the following
1.6terms have the meanings given them.
1.7(b) "Presenting problem" means the degree of discrepancy between academic
1.8standards and a student's performance as measured by valid assessments.
1.9(c) "Progress monitoring" has the definition given in section 125A.56, subdivision 2.
1.10(d) "Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)" means a prevention model, consistent
1.11with section 125A.56, subdivision 2, paragraph (a), to quickly identify students presenting
1.12a reading or math problem, provide scientifically valid student interventions, and conduct
1.13frequent progress monitoring to inform student instruction. This multi-tiered system of
1.14support does not require a specific curriculum or formative assessment tool.
1.15(e) "Valid intervention" means the systematic use of a scientific, research-based
1.16technique, program, or practice to improve student learning or performance in a specific
1.17area of a student's demonstrated need for intervention.
1.18(f) "Problem solving process" means a formal intervention plan using scientific
1.19research-based interventions and behavioral supports in general education settings and a
1.20collaborative staff approach to develop, implement, and evaluate the intervention process
1.22(1) objectively defining the presenting problem in measurable terms;
1.23(2) a data-based hypothesis to understand the presenting problem;
1.24(3) valid interventions based on the defined problem, parent input, and professional
1.25judgments about the effectiveness of possible various intervention;
2.1(4) an intervention plan that includes student learning targets, valid interventions,
2.2a progress monitoring plan, and designated staff responsible for implementing the
2.3intervention plan;
2.4(5) procedures to assure valid interventions and ongoing progress monitoring;
2.5(6) periodic team meetings to review the progress monitoring data and determine
2.6the effectiveness of valid interventions based on whether the student is making progress
2.7consistent with the learning targets in the student's intervention plan; and
2.8(7) parents participate in the process and their participation is documented.
2.9    Subd. 2. Multi-tiered system of support model; usage. School districts and
2.10charter schools must use an MTSS model appropriate for particular grades or students'
2.11ages and are encouraged to use an MTSS model in prekindergarten.
2.12    Subd. 3. Site assistance. (a) The commissioner shall assist districts and charter
2.13schools to implement the requirements of this section. The commissioner may:
2.14(1) direct regional assistance centers of excellence under section 120B.115 to
2.15provide assistance;
2.16(2) using a Request for Proposal (RFP) process, invite interested and qualified
2.17organizations to submit proposals to provide assistance and require the organizations
2.18to demonstrate at least five years of experience in implementing an MTSS model or
2.19assisting sites in implementing an MTSS model and their success with an MTSS model in
2.20improving students' educational outcomes and reducing the percentage of students needing
2.21special education instruction due to a learning disability; or
2.22(3) other forms of assistance determined by the commissioner.
2.23(b) The commissioner is encouraged to use available revenue under the federal
2.24Elementary and Secondary Education Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education
2.25Act for purposes of this section.
2.26(c) The commissioner must establish an MTSS Center to:
2.27(1) advise the commissioner on developing rules under this section;
2.28(2) assist the commissioner in developing MTSS guidelines for school districts and
2.29charter schools to use in planning and implementing an MTSS model;
2.30(3) provide professional development, coaching, and consulting to sites on applicable
2.31rules and guidelines, including scientifically-based instruction within a multi-tiered model
2.32of instructional supports, standards-aligned instruction, and use of formative assessments
2.33to inform instructional decision making;
2.34(4) collaborate with Serve Minnesota to provide reading and math master coaches to
2.35sites to assist with interventions;
3.1(5) collaborate with post secondary institutions and systems to incorporate MTSS
3.2research into applicable licensure programs;
3.3(6) assist the commissioner to evaluate the educational and financial impact of
3.4the MTSS model in Minnesota;
3.5(7) disseminate models to evaluate classroom reading curriculum and better assure
3.6students' needs are met; and
3.7(8) disseminate research-based interventions for students not on target to attain
3.8reading or mathematics proficiency, consistent with section 123B.30, subdivisions 1 and 1a.
3.9EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for the 2016-2017 school year and
3.11Page 132, after line 8, insert:

3.12    "Sec. ... REPEALER.
3.13(a) Minnesota Rules, part 3525.1341, is repealed.
3.14(b) Minnesota Rules, part 3525.1341, remains in effect through July 31, 2017, during
3.15which time districts and charter schools may operate under Minnesota statutes, section
3.1612A.015 or the rule under this paragraph.
3.17EFFECTIVE DATE.Paragraph (a) is effective August 1, 2017, and paragraph (b)
3.18is effective the day following final enactment."
3.19Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
3.20Amend the title accordingly