1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1926, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 21, delete "108,620,000" and insert "109,320,000"
1.3Page 14, line 23, delete "30,190,000" and insert "30,890,000"
1.4Page 19, after line 15, insert:
1.5"(l) Albert Lea Lake Management and
1.6Invasive Species Control Structure -
1.8$700,000 in the second year is added to
1.9the appropriation contained in Laws 2013,
1.10chapter 137, article 1, section 2, subdivision
1.115, paragraph (h), to the commissioner of
1.12natural resources for an agreement with
1.13the Shell Rock River Watershed District to
1.14construct structural deterrents and lake level
1.16Reletter the paragraphs in sequence