1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1233, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 202, line 30, delete "two" and insert "three"
1.3Page 489, line 31, delete "4,368,215,000" and insert "4,371,808,000" and delete
1.4"4,592,196,000" and insert "4,595,789,000"
1.5Page 494, line 27, delete "22,149,000" and insert "18,556,000" and delete
1.6"23,015,000" and insert "19,422,000"
1.7Page 494, after line 27, insert:
1.8"Community Service Development Grants
1.9and Community Services Grants. Of
1.10this appropriation, $1,025,000 each year is
1.11for community service development grants
1.12and $1,165,000 each year is for community
1.13services grants."
1.14Adjust amounts accordingly