1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1183, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 2, line 6, delete, "50,674,000" and insert "51,174,000"
1.3Page 16, line 22, delete everything after "to" and insert "mesic forest, oak savanna,
1.4and prairie"
1.5Page 73, line 1, delete everything after "for" and insert "construction at"
1.6Page 73, delete lines 22 to 28, and insert:
1.7"(1) parking, buildings, and other
1.8improvements at the Swim Pond in Lake
1.9Elmo Park Reserve;
1.10(2) design and construction of the Point
1.11Douglas Regional Trail, which connects to
1.12Wisconsin; and
1.13(3) paving improvements to Hardwood Creek
1.14Regional Trail, which may include new trail
1.15sections toward Bald Eagle Regional Park."