1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 5, the data practices subcommittee
1.2engrossment, as follows:
1.3Page 10, after line 21, insert:
1.4"(e) Only Minnesota Insurance Marketplace personnel with explicit authorization
1.5from the board may enter, update, or access data held by the marketplace. The ability of
1.6particular personnel to enter, update, or access data must be limited through the use of
1.7purpose codes that correspond to the official duties and training level of the personnel,
1.8and the specific statutory authorization that grants access to the data for that purpose. All
1.9queries and responses and all actions in which data is submitted, modified, accessed, or
1.10disseminated by the Minnesota Insurance Marketplace or its personnel must be recorded
1.11in a data audit trail."