1.1A resolution of the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives;
1.2setting the limit on changes in expenditures for the biennium in accordance with
1.3House Rule 4.03.
1.4These changes are based on expenditures projected in the forecast issued February 28,
1.52014, for the general fund.
1.6BE IT RESOLVED that the sum of $1,047,539,000 is the maximum limit on net expenditure
1.7changes from the general fund for fiscal years 2014 and 2015.
1.8BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the budget reserve is set at $810,992,000 and the cash
1.9flow account is set at $350,000,000.
1.10BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following changes in net expenditures from the
1.11general fund for fiscal years 2014 and 2015 are set for the major finance bills in the 2014 regular
1.13(1) a limit of $132,723,000 for the capital investment bill for debt service and general
1.14fund appropriations;
1.15(2) a limit of $0 for the commerce and consumer protection finance bill;
1.16(3) a limit of $75,000,000 for the education finance bill;
1.17(4) a limit of $16,000,000 for the environment, natural resources, and agriculture finance bill;
1.18(5) a limit of $87,443,000 for the health care and human services finance bill;
1.19(6) a limit of $17,000,000 for the higher education finance bill;
2.1(7) a limit of $0 for the housing finance bill;
2.2(8) a limit of $37,406,000 for the jobs and economic development finance bill;
2.3(9) a limit of $0 for the judiciary finance bill;
2.4(10) a limit of $0 for the legacy finance bill;
2.5(11) a limit of $36,500,000 for the public safety finance bill;
2.6(12) a limit of $0 for the state government finance bill;
2.7(13) a limit of $550,000,000 for the tax bill; and
2.8(14) a limit of $49,682,000 for the transportation finance bill.
2.9BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following changes in net expenditures from the
2.10health care access fund for fiscal years 2014 and 2015 are set for the major finance bills in the
2.112014 regular session:
2.12(1) a limit of -$2,000,000 for the health and human services bill.
2.13These changes are based on expenditures projected in the forecast issued February 28,
2.142014, for the general fund and the health care access fund.
2.15This resolution is in effect for the 2014 session unless a different or amended resolution
2.16is adopted.