1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1061, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H1061DE1), as follows:
1.3Page 39, delete lines 30 to 35, and insert:
1.4"(a) $13,750,000 the first year and
1.5$13,750,000 the second year are for grants
1.6to local governments and joint powers
1.7organizations of local governments for
1.8projects and practices to keep water on
1.9the land in order to decrease sediment,
1.10pollutant, and nutrient transport; reduce
1.11hydrologic impacts to surface waters;
1.12and increase infiltration for groundwater
1.13recharge. Projects and practices shall be
1.14prioritized based on the benefits to protect
1.15and restore surface waters; to protect,
1.16enhance, and restore water quality in lakes,
1.17rivers, wetlands, and streams; and to protect
1.18groundwater and drinking water. Projects
1.19and practices may include feedlot water
1.20quality, erosion control, and stream bank,
1.21stream channel, and shoreline restoration
1.22projects and must be of long-lasting public
1.23benefit, include a match, and be consistent
1.24with total maximum daily load (TMDL)
1.25implementation plans or local water
1.26management plans."
1.27Page 40, delete lines 1 to 11
2.1Page 42, after line 32, insert:
2.2"(i) The board shall develop and utilize
2.3performance-based criteria for local water
2.4resources restoration, protection, and
2.5management program and project grants.
2.6The criteria may include, but are not limited
2.7to, science-based assessments, organizational
2.8capacity, priority resource issues, community
2.9outreach and support, partnership potential,
2.10and program and project delivery efficiency
2.11and effectiveness. The board shall, to
2.12the extent practical, utilize a watershed
2.13approach when developing criteria for
2.14project proposals."
2.15Reletter the paragraphs in sequence