1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1010, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 33, after line 22, insert:

1.3    "Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 103G.615, subdivision 2, is amended to
1.5    Subd. 2. Fees. (a) The commissioner shall establish a fee schedule for permits to
1.6control or harvest aquatic plants other than wild rice. The fees must be set by rule, and
1.7section 16A.1283 does not apply, but the rule must not take effect until 45 legislative days
1.8after it has been reported to the legislature. The fees shall be may not exceed $750 per
1.9permit based upon the cost of receiving, processing, analyzing, and issuing the permit,
1.10and additional costs incurred after the application to inspect and monitor the activities
1.11authorized by the permit, and enforce aquatic plant management rules and permit
1.13    (b) A The fee for a permit for the control of rooted aquatic vegetation is $35 for each
1.14contiguous parcel of shoreline owned by an owner may be charged. This fee may not
1.15be charged for permits issued in connection with purple loosestrife control or lakewide
1.16Eurasian water milfoil control programs.
1.17    (c) A fee may not be charged to the state or a federal governmental agency applying
1.18for a permit.
1.19    (d) A fee for a permit for the control of rooted aquatic vegetation in a public
1.20water basin that is 20 acres or less in size shall be one-half of the fee established under
1.21paragraph (a).
1.22(e) The money received for the permits under this subdivision shall be deposited in
1.23the treasury and credited to the water recreation account."
1.24Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.25Amend the title accordingly