1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2456 as follows:
1.2Page 3, strike lines 5 to 10
1.3Page 3, line 11, strike "(23)" and insert "(21)"
1.4Page 3, line 13, strike "(24)" and insert "(22)"
1.5Page 3, line 15, strike "(25)" and insert "(23)"
1.6Page 3, line 17, strike "(26)" and insert "(24)"
1.7Page 3, line 21, strike "(27)" and insert "(25)"
1.8Page 6, delete lines 8 to 15
1.9Page 6, line 16, delete "3" and insert "2"
1.10Page 6, line 17, delete "phased in upon receipt of an" and insert "implemented
1.11upon authorization for the commissioner to collect fees according to section 245A.10,
1.12subdivisions 3 and 4, necessary to support licensing functions. License applications will
1.13be received on a phased in schedule as determined by the commissioner. Licenses will be
1.14issued on or after January 1, 2013, according to section 245A.04."
1.15Page 6, delete lines 18 and 19
1.16Page 9, line 11, delete "(13) to (15)" and insert "(14) to (19)"
1.17Page 19, line 16, delete "and" and insert "or"
1.18Page 20, line 14, after "CADI" insert ", BI, CAC, DD, and EW" and delete
1.19everything after "waiver" and insert "plans or successor plans when the provider is an
1.20individual who is not an employee of a residential or nonresidential program licensed
1.21by the Department of Human Services or the Department of Health that is otherwise
1.22providing the respite service;"
1.23Page 20, delete line 15
1.24Page 20, line 23, delete "and excluding providers serving only" and insert a
1.26Page 20, delete line 24
1.27Page 20, line 26, delete everything before the semicolon
2.1Page 20, line 29, after "waiver" insert "plan or successor plans"
2.2Page 20, line 30, after "CADI" insert "BI, CAC, DD, and EW" and delete "plan"
2.3and insert "plans"
2.4Page 20, line 31, delete the second comma and insert "and"
2.5Page 20, line 32, delete ", and providers serving only one family"
2.6Page 21, line 16, delete "(2),"
2.7Page 24, line 9, delete "and (14)" and insert "to (15)"
2.8Page 24, line 30, after the second period, insert "(a)"
2.9Page 25, line 1, after the period, insert:
2.11Page 33, line 21, delete "(5)" and insert "(6)"
2.12Page 36, line 1, delete "24 hours" and insert "five working days" and delete ", or if
2.13requested by the person," and insert a period
2.14Page 36, delete line 2
2.15Page 46, line 31, after "a" insert "provider is enrolled or"
2.16Page 47, line 17, after "living" insert "or 24-hour customized living"
2.17Page 47, line 18, delete "treatment" and insert "training"
2.18Page 49, line 28, after the second period, insert "For bathing services provided in
2.19conjunction with adult day care services, the payment rate is $7.01 per 15-minute unit
2.20per bath."
2.21Page 51, line 4, after "use" insert "service planning"
2.22Page 51, line 22, delete "a shared" and insert "an individual"
2.23Page 51, line 29, delete "individual" and insert "shared"
2.24Page 52, line 4, after "section" insert "as revised to reflect the results of staffing and
2.25service utilization findings under subdivision 11"
2.26Page 52, line 7, delete "that" and insert "the prior"
2.27Page 52, line 11, delete "county and tribal allocation changes"
2.28Page 52, line 25, after "2012" insert "to inform factor values for payments to be
2.29made in 2013"
2.30Page 53, line 5, delete "reduce" and insert "increase" and delete "as follows:" and
2.31insert "to five percent below the historic rate."
2.32Page 53, delete lines 6 to 10
2.33Page 53, line 13, delete "increase" and insert "decrease" and delete "as follows:" and
2.34insert "to five percent above the historic rate."
2.35Page 53, delete lines 14 to 18