1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3055, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Pages 1 to 2, delete sections 1 to 2
1.3Page 10, after line 18, insert:
1.4"(b) This paragraph only applies when a group of employees represented under a
1.5collective bargaining agreement is transferred from county to service delivery authority
1.6funding. A service delivery authority may not be established until the affected parties
1.7have presented an agreement as required under this paragraph. The county or consortium
1.8of counties proposing to establish a service delivery area, together with exclusive
1.9representatives of affected employees, must present to the council and the commissioner a
1.10written agreement relating to those employees who are proposed to be transferred from
1.11county employment to working for service delivery authority as the public employer, and
1.12expressing agreement on the following topics:
1.13(1) the proposed bargaining units for the new service delivery authority, and a
1.14proposal for recognition of exclusive representatives of those bargaining units;
1.15(2) a proposed collective bargaining agreement which will be implemented upon the
1.16formation of the service delivery authority and that will establish terms and conditions
1.17of employment for represented employees of the service delivery authority, pending
1.18negotiation of a future agreement; and
1.19(3) an agreement that county employees whose work is to be transferred to the
1.20service delivery authority and whose positions are needed by the service delivery authority
1.21to perform this work, and who meet the minimum qualifications for positions with the
1.22service delivery authority will become employees of the service delivery authority."
1.23Page 10, line 19, delete "(b)" and insert "(c)"
1.24Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.25Amend the title accordingly