1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 737 as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 13, after "have" insert ", in addition to any necessary education
1.3background for rehabilitation counselors in Minnesota"
1.4Page 1, delete lines 15 and 16
1.5Page 1, line 17, delete "(2) six months" and insert "(1) successful completion of a
1.6minimum of six weeks"
1.7Page 1, line 18, delete "meeting the criteria in subdivision 16, paragraph (a)" and
1.8insert "set forth by State Services for the Blind in the contracting process"
1.9Page 1, line 19, delete "(3)" and insert "(2)"
1.10Page 2, line 1, delete everything after "effective" and insert "January 1, 2011, for
1.11persons hired"