1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 535, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H0535DE1), as follows:
1.3Page 5, after line 26, insert:
1.4    "Subd. 7a. Equipment maintenance. "Equipment maintenance" includes, but is not
1.5limited to, downloading and subsequent reporting of stored compliance and physiological
1.6data; and adjustments to respiratory equipment based on compliance downloads, protocols,
1.7and provider orders specific to CPAP/Bilevel."
1.8Page 6, after line 2, insert:
1.9    "Subd. 9a. Patient instruction. "Patient instruction" includes, but is not limited
1.10to patient education on the care, use, and maintenance of respiratory equipment; and
1.11patient interface fittings and adjustments."
1.12Page 7, line 9, reinstate "and"
1.13Page 7, line 11, delete the semicolon and insert a period
1.14Page 7, delete lines 12 to 14
1.15Page 8, line 31, after the second comma insert "instructs the patient on the use of,"