1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 292 as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 19, delete "qualified" and insert "qualifying"
1.3Page 4, line 8, delete "identify" and insert "place"
1.4Page 7, line 34, delete "may" and insert "must"
1.5Page 9, line 12, delete "6" and insert "7"
1.6Page 9, line 20, after "fund" insert "and are appropriated to the commissioner of
1.7health to administer these sections"
1.8Page 12, line 16, after "not" insert "qualify for federal tax exemption under the
1.9Internal Revenue Code."
1.10Page 12, delete line 17
1.11Page 13, line 9, delete "caregivers" and insert "caregiver"
1.12Page 15, delete section 11