1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 354, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 9, line 12, delete everything after "REQUIRED" and insert a period
1.3Page 9, delete line 13
1.4Page 9, delete subdivision 3 and insert:
1.5    "Subd. 3. Creditor's bad faith. If the mediator finds that the creditor has not
1.6participated in the mediation in good faith, and the creditor continues with the foreclosure
1.7proceeding, then the debtor shall be a allowed a six-month redemption period."
1.8Page 10, delete subdivision 4 and insert:
1.9    "Subd. 4. Debtor's lack of good faith. If the mediator finds that the debtor has not
1.10participated in the mediation in good faith, and the creditor continues with the foreclosure
1.11proceeding, then the debtor shall execute a deed in lieu of foreclosure within 90 days of
1.12the filing of the mediator's affidavit containing the finding of bad faith."
1.13Page 10, delete subdivision 5