1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1405 as follows:
1.2Page 1, delete section 1 and insert:

1.3    "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 270B.14, subdivision 16, is amended to
1.5    Subd. 16. Disclosure to law enforcement authorities. Under circumstances
1.6involving threat of death or physical injury to any individual, or harassment of a
1.7Department of Revenue employee, the commissioner may disclose return information
1.8to the extent necessary to apprise appropriate federal, state, or local law enforcement
1.9authorities of such circumstances. For purposes of this subdivision, "harassment" is
1.10purposeful conduct directed at an individual and causing an individual to feel frightened,
1.11threatened, oppressed, persecuted, or intimidated. For purposes of harassment, the return
1.12information that initially can be disclosed is limited to the name, address, and phone
1.13number of the harassing individual, the name of the employee being harassed, and the
1.14nature and circumstances of the harassment. Data disclosed under this subdivision are
1.15classified under section 13.82 once they are received by the law enforcement authority.
1.16EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment."