1.1    .................... moves to amend KN-RES01, as follows:
1.2Page 1, delete lines 4 to 18
1.3Page 2, delete lines 1 to 6 and insert:
1.4"BE IT RESOLVED that the sum of $34,568,161,000 is the maximum limit on net
1.5expenditures from the general fund for fiscal years 2008 and 2009.
1.6 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the budget reserve is set at $800,000,000 and
1.7the cash flow account is set at $350,000,000.
1.8 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following general fund net expenditure
1.9limits for fiscal years 2008 and 2009 are set for the major finance bills:
1.10(1) $3,339,890,000 for a higher education and workforce development finance bill;
1.11(2) $13,533,179,000 for a K-12 education finance bill;
1.12(3) $459,700,000 for an early childhood education finance bill;
1.13(4) $132,548,000 for an agriculture, rural economies, and veteran's finance bill;
1.14(5) $346,637,000 for an environment and natural resources finance bill;
1.15(6) $9,008,170,000 for a health care and human services finance bill;
1.16(7) $638,889,000 for a state government finance bill;
1.17(8) $335,697,000 for a transportation finance bill;
1.18(9) $1,878,065,000 for a public safety finance bill;
1.19(10) $117,009,000 for a Minnesota heritage finance bill;
1.20(11) $60,041,000 for an energy finance bill;
2.1(12) $408,688,000 for a housing and public health finance bill;
2.2(13) $3,353,259,000 for a tax bill; and
2.3(14) $912,714,000 for a capital investment bill for debt service and general fund