1.1    .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3377 as follows:
1.2Page 2, line 17, after the period, insert "The individual treatment plan must be based
1.3on a diagnostic assessment which includes assessment and review of medical conditions
1.4and risks of psychological trauma which might be incurred by use of seclusion or restraint."
1.5Page 2, line 18, delete "behavioral management"
1.6Page 2, line 29, delete "used as a behavior management"
1.7Page 2, line 30, delete "technique"
1.8Page 3, line 6, delete everything after "Seclusion" and insert "involves the confining
1.10Page 3, line 9, after the period, insert "The room used for seclusion must be
1.11well-lighted, well-ventilated, clean, have an observation window which allows staff to
1.12directly monitor the child in seclusion, fixtures that are tamperproof, electrical switches
1.13located immediately outside the door, and doors that open out and are unlocked or locked
1.14with keyless locks that have immediate release mechanisms."
1.15Page 3, line 15, after "restraints" insert "only in emergency situations"
1.16Page 3, line 20, delete "Parent" and insert "Parental consent and"
1.17Page 3, line 20, after the period, insert "Parental consent for use of seclusion
1.18and restraint procedures must be obtained when a child begins receiving services; the
1.19agreement must be reviewed at least quarterly."
1.20Page 3, line 33, delete "danger" and insert "serious risk of physical harm"
1.21Page 3, line 34, delete everything after "are"
1.22Page 3, line 35, delete "behaviors" and insert "ineffective"
1.23Page 4, line 29, delete "in at least 15-minute intervals" and insert "documentation
1.24must occur for each 15-minute interval must include"
1.25Page 5, delete lines 9 to 35
1.26Page 6, delete lines 1 to 12
1.27Page 7, line 8, delete "; or"
2.1Page 7, after line 8, insert
2.2    "(3) be used as punishment or for the convenience of staff; or"
2.3Page 7, line 9, delete "(3)" and insert "(4)"
2.4Page 7, line 16, delete "of time out" and insert "of restrictive procedures"
2.5Page 7, line 35, after "procedures" insert "including techniques to identify events
2.6and environmental factors that may trigger behavioral escalation"
2.7Page 8, line 6, after "program" insert ", including simulated experiences of
2.8administering and receiving physical restraint;"
2.9Page 9, line 4, after the period insert "Agencies with high use of restrictive
2.10procedures will be reviewed by the department to determine needed changes in policies
2.11and procedures, including staff training."