1.1    .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1067 as follows:
1.2Page 2, line 24, delete "covered by the entity that administers" and insert "within
1.3the limits of"
1.4Page 3, line 1, delete "state Mental Health Advisory Council" and insert "State
1.5Advisory on Mental Health"
1.6Page 4, after line 13, insert:
1.7    "(vii) home and community based waiver services;
1.8    (viii) assistance with finding and maintaining employment;"
1.9Page 4, line 31, delete "described in paragraph (c)"
1.10Page 4, line 32, delete "individuals" and insert "counties"
1.11Page 5, line 5, after "services" insert "for persons with developmental disabilities
1.12and related conditions"
1.13Page 5, line 14, delete "paragraph (c) may request to" and insert "paragraphs (c)
1.14and (d) may"
1.15Page 5, line 18, delete "beyond 40 percent of the" and insert a period
1.16Page 5, delete lines 19 and 20
1.17Page 5, after line 22, insert:
1.18    "(h) Payment for Medicaid services provided under this subdivision for the months
1.19of May and June will be made no earlier than July 1 of the same calendar year."
1.20Page 7, line 27, delete "covered by the entity that administers" and insert "within
1.21the limits of"
1.22Page 15, lines 3 to 20, reinstate the stricken language