1.1    .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1056 as follows:
1.2Page 33, line 13, delete "134,361,000" and insert "134,290,000" and delete
1.3"137,357,000" and insert "137,287,000"
1.4Page 33, line 15, delete "124,061,000" and insert "123,990,000" and delete
1.5"125,157,000" and insert "125,087,000"
1.6Page 34, line 24, delete "43,083,000" and insert "43,012,000" and delete
1.7"45,502,000" and insert "45,432,000"
1.8Page 58, line 22, delete "21,053,000" and insert "21,106,000"
1.9Page 58, line 23, delete "21,800,000" and insert "21,888,000"
1.10Page 58, line 24, delete "$1,801,000" and insert "$1,796,000" and delete
1.11"$19,252,000" and insert "$19,310,000"
1.12Page 58, line 25, delete "$2,139,000" and insert "$2,145,000" and delete
1.13"$19,661,000" and insert "$19,743,000"
1.14Page 59, line 3, delete "This is a onetime appropriation." and insert "This
1.15appropriation is one time."
1.16Page 59, line 8, delete "These appropriations are onetime." and insert "This
1.17appropriation is one time."
1.18Page 59, delete line 19, and insert "The base for this program is $40,000 per year
1.19for FY 2010 and later."
1.20Page 59, delete line 27 and insert "This appropriation is one time."
1.21Page 60, delete line 2
1.22Page 60, after line 8, insert "This appropriation is one time."
1.23Page 60, line 13, delete "$293,000" and insert "$288,000" and delete "$2,866,000"
1.24and insert "$2,871,000"
1.25Page 60, line 14, delete "$318,000" and insert "$319,000" and delete "$3,012,000"
1.26and insert "$3,011,000"
1.27Page 62, delete line 13 and insert "This appropriation is one time."
2.1Page 62, delete line 16
2.2Page 62, line 17, delete "40,344,000" and insert "40,146,000"
2.3Page 62, line 18, delete "41,748,000" and insert "41,522,000"
2.4Page 62, delete line 19
2.5Page 62, line 20, delete "$36,585,000" and insert "$36,387,000"
2.6Page 62, line 21, delete "$4,065,000" and insert "$4,043,000" and delete
2.7"$37,683,000" and insert "$37,479,000"
2.8Page 62, after line 30, insert:
2.9    "Subd. 23. Minnesota early learning foundation. For a grant to the Minnesota
2.10early learning foundation for the scholarship demonstration projects in section 27:
2.13    Any balance in the first year does not cancel but is available in the second year.
2.14    This is a one time appropriation."
2.15Page 63, delete section 31
2.16Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.17Amend the title accordingly