1.1    .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 797, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H0797DE1), as amended by H0797A10, by amending H0797A10 as follows:
1.3Page 4, line 33, delete "improper activity through"
1.4Page 5, line 4, delete "engaged in any improper activity" and insert "violated
1.5sections 181.932 or 181.9325"
1.6Page 5, line 5, delete "activity" and insert "alleged violation"
1.7Page 5, line 10, delete "improper activity" and insert "violations"
1.8Page 5, line 14, delete "an" and insert "a public"
1.9Page 5, line 21, after "retaliation" insert "in public employment"
1.10Page 13, line 32, delete the first "the" and insert "a public"
1.11Page 13, line 34, delete everything after "impact" and insert "or findings indicating
1.12consequences for the public's health or safety; or"
1.13Page 14, line 1, delete the first "the" and insert "a public"
1.14Page 14, after line 3, insert:
1.15    "(g) The disclosures protected pursuant to this section do not authorize the disclosure
1.16of trade-secret information otherwise protected by law."
1.17Page 14, line 6, delete "An" and insert "A public"
1.18Page 14, line 28, after "A" delete "state" and insert "public" and after "for" delete
1.19"state" and insert "public"
1.20Page 15, line 2, after "a" delete "state" and insert "public" and after "for" delete
1.21"state" and insert "public"
1.22Page 15, line 6, delete "state" and insert "public"
1.23Page 15, line 7, delete "state" and insert "public"
1.24Page 15, line 18, delete the first "state" and insert "public" and after "for" delete
1.25"state" and insert "public"