1.1    .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 644 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:

1.3    "Section 1. [62J.071] HEALTH CARE ACCESS FUND OVERSIGHT
1.5    Subdivision 1. Establishment; duties. The Health Care Access Fund Oversight
1.6Commission shall:
1.7    (1) develop criteria for acceptable uses of the health care access fund that maintain
1.8the integrity of the health care access fund as a funding source to expand access to health
1.9care services for low-income Minnesotans without replacing general fund appropriations
1.10for existing programs;
1.11    (2) review all legislative proposals for new uses of the health care access fund and
1.12make recommendations to the chairs of the legislative committees and divisions with
1.13jurisdiction over health care policy as to whether the proposal meets the criteria developed
1.14for acceptable uses; and
1.15    (3) report to the chairs of the legislative committees and divisions with jurisdiction
1.16over health care policy by January 15 each year regarding the activities of the commission
1.17in the previous year.
1.18    Subd. 2. Membership. The Health Care Access Fund Oversight Commission
1.19consists of:
1.20    (1) one member who is a physician appointed by the Minnesota Medical Association;
1.21    (2) one member who is a hospital representative appointed by the Minnesota
1.22Hospital Association;
1.23    (3) one member who is a dentist appointed by the Minnesota Dental Association;
1.24    (4) one member who is a health plan representative appointed by the Minnesota
1.25Council of Health Plans;
2.1    (5) one member who is an advocate for children enrolled in MinnesotaCare,
2.2appointed by the Children's Defense Fund;
2.3    (6) one member who is an advocate for adults enrolled in MinnesotaCare, appointed
2.4by Legal Services Advocacy Project, giving preference to an enrollee;
2.5    (7) two members of the house of representatives, one appointed by the speaker and
2.6one appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives;
2.7    (8) two members of the senate, one from the majority party and one from the
2.8minority party, appointed by the senate Subcommittee on Committees of the committee on
2.9Rules and Administration; and
2.10    (9) the commissioner of human services, or the commissioner's designee.
2.11The appointments required by this subdivision must be completed by September 1, 2007.
2.12    Subd. 3. Governance. The commission shall meet at least twice annually. The
2.13commissioner of human services shall provide staff support for and convene the first
2.14meeting of the commission. The commission shall select a chair from its membership at
2.15the first meeting. The commission is governed by section 15.059, except that members
2.16shall receive reimbursement only for expenses and the commission shall not expire."