1.1    .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 615, the first committee engrossment,
1.2as follows:
1.3Page 4, after line 19, insert:

1.5    (a) If, at any time during a school year, a public or private school provides
1.6information on immunizations, infectious disease, medications, or other school health
1.7issues to parents and legal guardians of pupils in grades 6, 9, or 12, the school is required
1.8to include with that information the following:
1.9    (1) information about meningococcal meningitis and the vaccine for meningococcal
1.10meningitis, including the causes and symptoms of meningococcal meningitis, how
1.11it is spread, and sources where parents and legal guardians may obtain additional
1.12information about meningococcal meningitis and may obtain vaccination of a child against
1.13meningococcal meningitis; and
1.14    (2) information about human papillomavirus and the vaccine for human
1.15papillomavirus, including the risks associated with human papillomavirus; the availability,
1.16effectiveness, and potential risks of immunization for human papillomavirus; and sources
1.17where parents and legal guardians may obtain additional information about human
1.18papillomavirus and may obtain vaccination of a child against human papillomavirus.
1.19    (b) The Department of Education, in cooperation with the Department of Health,
1.20shall develop and make available to school districts, public schools, and private schools
1.21information that meets the requirements of paragraph (a), clauses (1) and (2). The
1.22department shall do this in the manner the department deems to be the most cost effective
1.23and programmatically effective, which shall include at the very least, posting the
1.24information on the department's Web site."
1.25Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.26Amend the title accordingly