1.1    .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 302 as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 8, delete "three" and insert "two"
1.3Page 2, line 11, after "program" insert "in the preceding school year"
1.4Page 2, line 13, delete "develop a plan for making" and insert "provide"
1.5Page 2, line 19, delete "three" and insert "two"
1.6Page 5, line 7, delete the semicolon and insert ", of which" and delete "of the local
1.8Page 5, line 31, delete "The commissioner may award up to 20 grants."
1.9Page 6, line 3, delete "multiyear" and insert "two-year"
1.10Page 6, line 9, after "program" insert "in the preceding school year"
1.11Page 8, line 1, after "program" insert "in the preceding school year"
1.12Page 8, line 12, delete the semicolon and insert ", of which" and delete "of the
1.13local match"
1.14Page 8, delete section 3 and insert:

1.17    Subdivision 1. Establishment. The commissioner of education shall implement
1.18a kindergarten readiness assessment, based on the 2002-2003 model the department
1.19developed for school readiness studies, to expand to all school districts the developmental
1.20assessment that districts voluntarily administer to entering kindergartners. The department
1.21shall also set biennial milestones for measuring progress based on the number of children
1.22demonstrating proficiency on all assessment measures.
1.23    Subd. 2. Description. (a) The commissioner of education must implement the
1.24voluntary school readiness kindergarten assessment initiative as follows:
1.25    (1) in 2009, assess up to 30 percent of children;
1.26    (2) in 2010, assess up to 50 percent of children;
2.1    (3) in 2011, assess up to 75 percent of children; and
2.2    (4) in 2012, assess up to 100 percent of children.
2.3    (b) The commissioner must report the assessment results for the current school year
2.4to the legislature by January 1 of the next year.
2.5EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective July 1, 2007. "
2.6Page 9, after line 16, insert:
2.7    "Subd. 4. Kindergarten readiness assessment. For the kindergarten readiness
2.8assessments administered to entering kindergartners under Minnesota Statutes, section
2.12Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.13Amend the title accordingly