8.01 BUDGET AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS. The House Controller must prepare a biennial budget for the House. The budget must be approved by the Committee on Rules and Legislative Administration before it is submitted to the State Government Finance Committee. By the 15th day of April, July, October, and January of each year, the Controller must submit a detailed report of House expenditures during the previous quarter to the Speaker and the Committee on Rules and Legislative Administration.

The House Controller must arrange for the purchase of goods and services for the House. The Controller must seek the lowest possible prices consistent with satisfactory quality and dependability. A contract of the House, or an amendment to a contract, authorizing an expenditure of more than $500 must be signed by the Speaker or the Controller. A contract, or an amendment to a contract, authorizing an expenditure of up to $500 may be executed by an employee authorized and directed in writing by the Controller to act for the Controller on the contract or contracts of its type. A contract or amendment to a contract entered into in violation of this Rule is not binding on the House. The House Controller must consult with an adaptive technology expert to identify commercially available upgrades for computers and Internet technology that are compatible with adaptive speech technology prior to purchasing upgrades.

Employees of the House must be reimbursed for actual expenses in the same manner as state employees.

During session, for travel away from the Capitol, members must be reimbursed for actual expenses, in addition to per diem expense allowances, in the manner and amount prescribed by the Committee on Rules and Legislative Administration.

Rule 8.10
Rule 7.20
House Rules Table of Contents
House Rules Index