2.05 EVERY UNEXCUSED MEMBER TO VOTE. A member who has an immediate interest in a question must not vote on it.

Every other member present before the result of a vote is declared by the presiding officer must vote for or against the matter before the House, unless the House excuses the member from voting. But a member is not required to vote on any matter concerning a memorial resolution.

A member who does not vote when the member's name is called must state reasons for not voting. After the vote has been taken but before the presiding officer has announced the result of the vote, the presiding officer must submit to the House the question: "Shall the member, for the reasons stated, be excused from voting?" The question must be decided without debate. After the question is decided, the presiding officer must announce the result of the vote, after which other proceedings about the nonvoting member may take place.

Rule 2.10
Rule 2.05
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