1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 600, the eighth engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 35, line 12, delete "and"
1.3Page 35, line 13, delete the period and insert "; and"
1.4Page 35, after line 13, insert:
1.5"(6) data on retail or wholesale customers of a cannabis business."
1.6Page 35, after line 20, insert:
1.7"(c) The board must not share data classified as private under this subdivision with any
1.8federal agency, federal department, or federal entity unless specifically ordered to do so by
1.9a state or federal court."
1.10Page 41, after line 26, insert:
1.11    "Subd. 12. Customer privacy. A cannabis business must not share data on retail or
1.12wholesale customers with any federal agency, federal department, or federal entity unless
1.13specifically ordered to do so by a state or federal court."
1.14Page 87, line 33, after the period, insert "Data specified in subdivision 1 must not be
1.15shared with any federal agency, federal department, or federal entity unless specifically
1.16ordered to do so by a state or federal court."