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Audio/Video Archives - 2007-2008 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections

HF1336 (Mahoney) Council of High Pressure Piping Systems established and fees established.
HF1190 (Nelson) Plumbing Council established.
HF1172 (Wollschlager) Revenue Department debt collection time limits, collection costs, and referrals provisions modified.
HF1494 (Simon) Campaign finance contribution limits provided for certain candidates.
HF1957 (Bigham) State employee combined charities campaign registration process streamlined.
HF1303 (Welti) Open meeting law; meetings by telephones or other electronic means authorized under certain conditions.
HF1555 (Simon) Energy forward pricing mechanisms terms defined.
Bills added to agenda:
HF176 (Thissen) Preservation of State Documents Act established.
HF1598 (Lillie) Labor agreements and compensation plans ratified; Minnesota Law Enforcement Assoc., Minnesota Nurses Assoc., and the Office of Higher Education.
HF333 (Lillie) State employees compensated for time they were not able to work due to the 2005 partial government shutdown

Health and Human Services

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HF2100 (Clark) Bisphenol-A and phthalates prohibited in products for young children.
HF917 (Clark) Lice and scabies treatment products that contain the pesticide Lindane prohibited.
HF399 (Rukavina) Long-Term Care Patient Access to Pharmaceuticals Act established, and penalties provided.
HF408 (Rukavina) Independent living skills services provided by certain additional qualified people, and Centers for Independent Living regulated.
HF1618 (Kahn) Domestic partners of state employees provided health insurance benefits if they are also made available to spouses.

Transportation and Transit Policy Subcommittee

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HF1475 (Hornstein) Paratransit services coordination and service standards provided, intercounty service required, and one-stop paratransit call centers established.
HF1706 (Mullery) Private motor vehicle carrier definition modified.
HF1550 (Hortman) Commercial vehicle inspections provisions modified.
HF1966 (Morgan) Special transportation service and small vehicle passenger service definitions modified, and complaints regarding special transportation providers regulated.
HF1909 (Tingelstad) Speed limits legislative study and report required.
HF1351 (Hornstein) Long-range transportation solutions study provided.
HF1713 (Erhardt) Household goods movers requirements modified.
HF571 (Hilstrom) Best value defined relating to construction contracts, and acquisition and competitive bidding provisions modified.
HF1714 (Hornstein) Railroad Walkways Safety Act adopted, state rail safety inspector position established, special account provided, penalties imposed, and money appropriated.
HF1975 (Kranz) Local Community Rail Security Act of 2007 adopted providing for protection of railroad property from terrorism, criminal activities, and accidents; civil penalties and remedies imposed; and money appropriated.
HF296 (Solberg) Special paper products vehicle permit effective date modified.
HF1767 (Hausman) Highway construction training programs federal funds use provided, and reports on training programs and disadvantaged business enterprise programs required.
HF763 (Hornstein) Metropolitan Airports Commission agreements, legislative authorization required

Public Safety and Civil Justice

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HF1726 (Thissen) Establishing the Health Records Act; providing penalties;
HF2229 (Mullery) Establishing ignition interlock device pilot project for repeat DWI offenders and providing a temporary exception to mandatory sentencing law for offenders required to use these devices;
HF907 (Paymar) Authorizing independently licensed mental health care professionals to deliver service to inmates;
HF1919 (Marquart) Providing for plats of land;
HF1169 (Walker) Changing child welfare provisions;
HF1577 (Lesch) Making changes to licensing provisions; modifying data practices, program administration, disaster plans, education programs, conditional license provisions, suspensions, sanctions, and contested case hearings, child care center training, family child care training requirements, vulnerable adults, maltreatment of minors, background studies, disqualifications, reconsiderations, disqualification set-asides, fair hearings, appeals, changing definitions of neglect and physical abuse;
HF1041 (Abeler) Establishing a controlled substances prescription electronic reporting system;
HF635 (Masin) Enacting the Minnesota Wireless Telephone Consumer Protection Act;
HF1758 (Davnie) Regulating access devices; establishing liability for security breaches; providing enforcement powers;
HF1824 (Faust) Amusement ride regulation provisions modified.
HF931 (Mullery) Prohibiting certain predatory lending practices; prescribing criminal penalties; providing remedies;
HF1004 (Davnie) Prohibiting predatory lending practices.

HF1058 (Thissen) Has been removed from the agenda.

Licensing Subcommittee

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HF2035 (Abeler) Minnesota Board of Social Work Practice Act adopted
HF2043 (Abeler) Professional clinical counselors licensing established, and mental health professionals definitions modified.

Health and Human Services

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HF638 (Tinglestad) A bill for an act relating to Human Services; changing eligibility requirements for an adoption assistance program
HF1400 (Tinglestad) Adoption; genetic siblings provided information assistance regarding other siblings.
HF966 (Howes) Nurse overtime orders of compliance authorized.
HF1072 (Liebling) Mortuary science provisions modified.
HF202 (Thissen) Chemical dependency treatment fund eligibility expanded.
HF1442 (Slawick) Compassionate Care of Sexual Assault Victims Act requiring hospital emergency rooms to provide emergency contraception, prophylactic antibiotics, and information to sexual assault victims.
HF1722 (Murphy, E.) Pharmacy dispensing fee modified, and report required.
HF1990 (Ruud) Adverse health care events reporting provisions modified.
HF245 (Anzelc) Adult foster care licensing requirements modified.
HF334 (Hosch) MinnesotaCare income exclusions allowed for certain medical expenses.
HF1077 (Ruud) Language interpreter services coverage required for health plan and medical assistance enrollees.
HF1831 (Thao) Interpreter services work group established relating to medical and dental settings

Public Safety and Civil Justice

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HF93 (Mullery) Providing for parole and probation authorities to have access to certain records;
HF1625 (Hosch) Authorizing permanent orders for protection and restraining orders after multiple violations or continued threats;
HF506 (Olin) Making repeat offenders who violate domestic abuse no contact orders guilty of a felony;
HF1273 (Kranz) Providing testimonial confidentiality for certain sexual assault counselors; eliminating the "mistake of age" defense for certain criminal sexual assault offenders; enhancing penalties for certain nonconsensual sexual contact offenses committed by professionals engaged in massage or bodywork;
HF1354 (Paymar) Prohibiting mandatory polygraphs for criminal sexual conduct victims;
HF1505 (Cornish) Adding legislators as nonvoting members of the Gang and Drug Oversight Council;
HF1841 (Simon) Permitting victims of domestic abuse to terminate a lease in certain circumstances;
HF2265 (Mullery) Providing that certain violent offenders consent to on-demand searches as a condition of being released on probation, supervised release, or parole;

HF541 (Hilstrom) Has been removed from the agenda.
HF2229 (Mullery) Has been removed from the agenda.
HF270 (Howes) Removing a provision relating to termination of jurisdiction;
HF1171 (Davnie) Modifying data practices provisions in the Department of Labor and Industry;
HF1542 (Zellers) Specifying amount of methamphetamine precursor drugs that consumers may purchase;
HF1756 (Hortman) Regulating salvage certificates of title and certain vehicles being dismantled or destroyed; requiring electronic notification;
HF1895 (Gardner) Including court file copy costs in expenses paid on behalf of a person proceeding in forma pauperis;
HF2205 (Bigham) Providing for applicability of certain old sex offender provisions for crimes committed before enactment of new sex offender law;

HF1505 (Cornish) Has been removed from the agenda.
HF1041 (Abeler) Has been removed from the agenda.

Transportation and Transit Policy Subcommittee

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HF1062 (Simon) Driver education provisions modified.
HF22/SF108* (Jaros) Walter F. Mondale Drive designated.
HF1435 (Anzelc) Forest products load permissible items defined.
HF528 (Kalin) Impounded vehicle sales authorized after voluntary transfer, notice and right to reclaim contents of vehicle provided, and liability of impound lot operator established.
HF1630 (Hornstein) Pavement life-cycle cost analysis required to compare paving materials in certain highway contracts.
HF1219 (Juhnke) (re-call)

HF556 (Beard) and HF1600 (Magnus) have been removed from the agenda

Governmental Operations, Reform, Technology and Elections

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HF571 (Hilstrom) Best value bill defined relating to construction contracts, and acquisition and competitive bidding provisions modified.
HF1206 (Kelliher) Early Hearing Detection and Intervention act.
HF548 (Simon) State agencies required to certify that on state employees are on recall lists and are able to perform specified services before seeking approval of certain contracts.
HF729 (Emmer) Competitive bidding contracts prohibited with companies or entities that have certain criminal or civil judgments.
HF333 (Lillie) State employees compensated for time they were not able to work due to the 2005 partial government shutdown.
HF1608 (Bigham) Secretary of State; registrations, filings, and dissolutions of certain entities regulated; fees provided; foreign limited partnership name changes regulated; and notaries public regulation provided.
HF176 (Thissen) Preservation of State Documents Act established

State Government Finance Division

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HF0083 (Hansen) Legislative auditor authorized to retain certain audit fees
SF0255 (Wergin)/HF0137 (Haws) Veteran-owned small businesses designated as targeted group businesses for purposes of awarding state and metro agency procurement contracts
HF1519 (Murphy, E) Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board appropriations provided from money received by the board from other public bodies, decennial comprehensive planning and zoning review funding provided, and money appropriated
HF1526 (Simon) Fair Campaign Practices Act complaints hearing funding provided, and money appropriated
HF1616 (Mariani) Legislative Commission to End Poverty in Minnesota by 2020 funding provided, and money appropriated

Minnesota Heritage Finance Division

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HF756 (Doty) National Historic Places property sale restriction repealed.
HF1660 (Jaros) St. Louis County Heritage and Arts Center studies and planning activities funding provided.
HF2050 (Kahn) Minnesota Humanities Commission funding provided.
HF2068 (Jaros) Minnesota Film and TV Board funding provided.
HF2099 (Morrow) Minnesota Historical Society grant-in-aid program provided for county and local historical societies.
HF2123 (Murphy, E.) Concordia University Hmong Studies Center historical preservation grant provided.

Housing Policy and Finance and Public Health Finance Division

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HF1387 (Benson) Long-term homeless supportive services funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1980 (Swails) Point of use water treatment evaluation provided, and money appropriated.
HF1407 (Clark) Environmental justice mapping federal funding application required.
HF1842 (Clark) Cancer surveillance system expanded to include environmental toxicity data collection.
Removed: HF2114 (Clark)
Added: HF1980 (Swails)

Public Safety Finance Division

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HF767 (Dominguez) Appropriating money for an offender reentry pilot project
HF1823 (Paymar) Establishing a five year demonstration project designed to apply best practices; assembling core services currently provided separately, including housing, behavioral health, health care, employment, and community and family reengagement; appropriating money
HF684 (Paymar) Appropriating money for reimbursement to counties for costs associated with housing short term offenders
HF2133 (Olin) Appropriating money for state's share of costs of precommittment detention of persons under civil commitment law ***added to the agenda ***

HF1778 (Mullery) Has been removed from the agenda
HF492 (Haws) Has been removed from the agenda
HF457 (Gardner) Has been removed from the agenda

Watersheds, Wetlands and Buffers Subcommittee

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HF577 (Hansen) Ditch buffer and drainage and inspection requirements modified, and money appropriated.

Health Care and Human Services Finance Division

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HF1361 (Fritz) Deaf and hard-of-hearing mentor program funding provided for families of infants and children that have a hearing loss, and money appropriated.
HF1071 (Huntley) Hearing aid and instrument loan bank established for infants and children who are deaf or who have a hearing loss, and money appropriated.
HF707 (Thao) Dental access for persons with disabilities study required.
HF911 (Thissen) Self-directed personal supports option established, supplemental aid standard modified, and money appropriated.
HF1297 (Huntley) Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities, community service providers, and nursing facilities rate increase provided.
HF781 (Loeffler) Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities to replace one larger facility authorized, payment rate for new facilities established, and money appropriated.
HF1583 (Nelson) Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities licensure authorized to replace one larger facility, transition period rate established, payment rate for new facilities provided, and money appropriated.

HF972 (Huntley) Removed from the agenda.

Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division

HF849 (Moe) Shoreland resorts development regulation provided.
HF1663 (Moe) Wild rice; genetically-engineered organisms regulation provisions modified.
HF593 (Juhnke) Public waters wetlands access restrictions modified.
HFXXXX (Scalze) Watercraft license fees.
Bills Added:
HF1750 (Hansen) Critical Areas Act of 1973 modified, and money appropriated.
HF1885 (Hansen) Invasive species emergency management provided, and money appropriated.

HF1343 (Hansen) has been removed.
HF1662 (Moe) has been removed.

K-12 Finance Division

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HF810 (Swails) Gifted and talented licensure and continuing education requirements established for teachers and other staff and administrators.
HF420 (Ward) Health and physical education course requirements provided, approved local school wellness policies posted on department website, grant program established, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
HF2021 (Brynaert) Office of Educational Accountability funding provided through the University of Minnesota, measurement experts convened to consider how school performance report card data are most usefully displayed, and money appropriated.
HF1487 (Peterson, A) Independent School District No. 891, Canby, border aid provided, and money appropriated.
HF2018 (McFarlane) Educational Planning and Assessment (EPAS) program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF615 (Walker) Responsible family life and sexuality education programs provided, and money appropriated.
1081 (Kalin) Independent School District No. 138, North Branch, targeted all-day everyday kindergarten program established, and money appropriated.

Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division

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Discussion of electrician training programs offered in Minnesota
HF1931 (Mariani) appropriating money for the Minnesota campus compact and its postsecondary service learning, access, and opportunity initiatives
HF1383 (Moe) transferring the American Indian scholarship program; requiring an office to distribute the scholarships
HF1925 (Severson) amending the state's share of the instructional services costs for state colleges and universities
HF2053 (Mahoney) appropriating money for a summer youth program for deaf students

Additional bills may be added

Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs Finance Division

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HF774 (Dill) Bois Forte Band of Chippewa renewable energy facility feasibility grant provided, and money appropriated.
HF2051 (Beard) Biomass fuel supply depot located in Scott or LeSueur county grant provided, and money appropriated.
HF1094 (Peterson) Cellulosic ethanol producer payment program established.
HF402 (Hansen) Residential microbial pesticide applicator licensure study required.
HF2077 (Magnus) NextGen Energy Board established, renewable energy technology funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1901 (Faust) World War II veterans memorial dedication activities funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1771 (Haws) Military affairs and veterans affairs funding provided, and money appropriated.

HF1759 (Olin) and HF1936 (Wardlow) have been removed from the agenda

Capital Investment Finance Division

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Mark-up of omnibus capital investment finance bill
Continuation of mark-up of omnibus capital investment finance bill (if necessary)
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