1.1    .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 6, the A07-0695 amendment as follows:
1.2Page 22, delete line 13 and insert "This is a one-time appropriation."
1.3Page 22, delete line 18 and insert "This is a one-time appropriation."
1.4Page 23, delete line 3 and insert "This is a one-time appropriation."
1.5Page 23, delete line 17 and insert "This is a one-time appropriation."
1.6Page 25, line 6, delete after the period.
1.7Page 25, delete line 7
1.8Page 25, line 15, after the period, insert "This is a one-time appropriation."
1.9Page 25, delete line 20 and insert "This is a one-time appropriation."
1.10Page 25, line 23, delete "40,146,000" and insert "40,347,000"
1.11Page 25, line 24, delete "41,522,000" and insert "41,745,000"
1.12Page 25, line 25, delete "$36,387,000" and insert "$36,588,000"
1.13Page 25, line 26, delete "$4,043,000" and insert "$4,065,000" and delete
1.14"$37,479,000" and insert "$37,680,000"
1.15Page 26, delete line 7 and insert "This is a one-time appropriation."