1.1    .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1206 as follows:
1.2Page 1, lines 19 to 20, delete "UNIVERSAL NEWBORN AND INFANT
1.5Page 1, line 21, delete "21" and insert "18"
1.6Page 2, line 10, after "a" insert "birthing"
1.7Page 2, delete lines 17 to 18
1.8Page 3, line 23, delete everything after "(14)" and insert "two birth hospital
1.9representatives from one rural and one urban hospital;"
1.10Page 3, after line 24, insert:
1.11    "(16) an otolargncologist;"
1.12Page 3, line 25, delete "(16)" and insert "(17)"
1.13Page 3, line 27, delete "(17)" and insert "(18)"
1.14Page 4, line 4, delete "As a condition of"
1.15Page 4, line 5, delete "licensure,"
1.16Page 4, line 15, delete everything after "tests" and insert "as recommended by the
1.17Department of Health."
1.18Page 4, delete lines 16 to 19
1.19Page 4, line 22, before the semicolon, insert ", or when medically feasible"
1.20Page 4, line 25, after "parents" insert "or parent"
1.21Page 4, line 26, delete "subdivision 4" and insert "recommendations of the
1.22Department of Health" and before the comma, insert "or rescreening if conducted"
1.23Page 4, line 29, delete "to ensure that" and insert a period
1.24Page 4, delete lines 30 to 32
1.25Page 4, line 33, before "shall" insert "to the parents, primary care provider, and
1.26the Department of Health"
2.1Page 4, line 35, delete everything after "information" and insert "recommended by
2.2the Department of Health."
2.3Page 4, delete line 36
2.4Page 5, delete lines 1 to 3
2.5Page 5, line 5, after "information" insert ", orally and in writing"
2.6Page 5, after line 7, insert:
2.7    "(c) The professional conducting the diagnostic procedure to confirm the hearing
2.8loss must report the results to the parents, primary care provider, and Department of
2.9Health according to the Department of Health recommendations."
2.10Page 5, after line 16, insert:
2.11    "Subd. 7. Laboratory service fees. The commissioner shall charge laboratory
2.12service fees according to section 16A.1285 so that the total of fees collected will
2.13approximate the costs of implementing and maintaining a system to follow-up infants,
2.14provide technical assistance, a tracking system, data management, and evaluation."
2.15Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.16Amend the title accordingly