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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division


2007-2008 Regular Session - Thursday, March 15, 2007




Representative Jean Wagenius, Chair of the Committee, called the meeting to order at 8:04 A.M. on March 15, 2007, in Room 5 of the State Office Building.

The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.

Members present:

CLARK, Karen
DILL, David
DOTY, Al (Vice Chair)
EKEN, Kent

MOE, Frank
OZMENT, Dennis

HF602 Dill, appropriating money for building renovations at the International Wolf Center.

Representative Dill presented HF602.

Walter Medwid, Executive Director, testified in support of HF602.

Chair Wagenius noted for the record that Representative Dill extended an invitation to the committee to come up to his house so they can stand on the porch and listen to wolves chasing deer.

HF328 Hosch, appropriating money for a local park grant.

Representative Hosch presented HF328.

Chuck Wocken, Stearns County Parks Director, testified in support of the bill.

A quorum was present at 8:20 A.M.

Chair Wagenius moved and laid over both HF602 and HF328 for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

HF299 Dill, providing for voluntary termination of certain timber permits.

Representative Dill moved HF299.

Representative Dill moved the A07-0284 author's amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Dill presented the HF299 as amended.

Scott Dane, Executive Director, Associated Contract Loggers and Truckers, testified in support of HF299.

Bob Tomlinson, DNR Forestry Division Assistant Director, testified on HF299.

HF299 was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

HF733 Leider, appropriating funds for the construction of flood protection farmstead ring levees in the Red River Valley.

Chair Wagenius moved HF733.

Representative Leider had an oral amendment as follows: Line 1.6, delete "$650,000" and insert "$400,000" in both instances.


Representative Leider presented HF733 as amended.

HF733 was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

HF1126 Eken, appropriating money for the Red River mediation implementation.

Representative Eken moved HF1126.

Representative Eken presented HF1126.

Jerome Deal, co-chair, Flood Damage Reduction Workgroup, testified in support of HF1126.

HF1126 was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

HF364 Olin, appropriating money for bovine tuberculosis disease transmission prevention.

Chair Wagenius moved that HF364 be recommended to pass and re-referred to the committee on Finance, with a recommendation for re-referral to the Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs Finance Division.

Representative Olin presented HF364.

Chair Wagenius renewed her motion that HF364 be recommended to pass and re-referred to the committee on Finance, with a recommendation for re-referral to the Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs Finance Division. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND HF364 WAS RE-REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE.

HF1522 Lillie, appropriating money for Gateway Trail tunnel.

Chair Wagenius moved HF1522.

Representative Lillie presented HF1522.

Scott Duddeck, City of St. Paul, testified in support of HF1522.

Representative Ozment moved an oral amendment as follows: Line 1.5, delete "general fund" and insert "bond proceeds fund". THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Chair Wagenius renewed her motion that HF1522, as amended, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the committee on Finance, with a recommendation for re-referral to the Capital Investment Finance Division. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND HF1522 WAS RE-REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE.

HF1373 Hansen, appropriating money for the roadsides for wildlife program.

Representative Hansen presented HF1373.

HF1373 was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

The committee recessed at 9:28 A.M.

The committee reconvened at 6:34 PM.

HF1788 Ward, Silvicultural research funding provided to improve the quality and quantity of timber fiber, and money appropriated.

Chair Wagenius moved HF1788.

Representative Ward presented HF1788.

Bob Beaudin, Director of New Products, Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota, testified in support of the bill.

Bill Berguson, Program Director, Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota, testified in support of the bill.

The bill was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

HF1903 Sailer, Conservation officer position funding provided, and money appropriated

Chair Wagenius moved HF1903.

Chair Wagenius moved the author's oral amendment as follows: Line 1.8, delete "including Native American reservations". THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Sailer presented HF1903 as amended.

John Winter, Natural Resources and Recreation Manager, Beltrami County, testified in support of the bill.

Gene Larimore, Jack Pine Coalition, testified in support of the bill.

The bill was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

HF278 Hansen, first committee engrossment, Deer license surcharge imposed for deer management, venison donations provided, and money appropriated

Representative Hansen moved HF278, first committee engrossment.

Representative Hansen presented the bill.

Betty Wilkins, Coordinator, Venison Donation Minnesota, testified in support of the bill.

Thomas Keliher, Minnesota Deer Hunters Association, testified in opposition to the bill.

John Peck, Director, Bluffland Whitetails Association, testified in support of the bill.

The bill was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

HF1045 Dominguez, first committee engrossment, Metropolitan parks nonprofit foundation established, state lottery gross proceeds in lieu of sales tax distribution for metropolitan parks and open space clarified, and parks and open space commission member compensation modified.

Chair Wagenius moved HF1045, first committee engrossment.

Representative Dominguez presented HF1045.

Judd Schetnan, Government Affairs Director, Metropolitan Council, testified in support of the bill.

Representative Hackbarth moved the following amendment: Page 5, line 5.10, delete "Section 2" and insert "this act"; line 5.13, delete "Sections 1 to 3" and insert "this act is" THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT ADOPTED.

Chair Wagenius moved that HF1045, as amended, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the committee on Finance. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND HF1045, AS AMENDED, WAS RE-REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE.

HF1666 Eken, first engrossment, Terrestrial and geologic carbon sequestration reports and studies required, and money appropriated

Representative Eken moved HF1666.

Representative Eken presented HF1666.

Bill Grant of the Izaak Walton League testified in support of the bill.

The bill was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

HF631 Anzelc, first committee engrossment, Natural resources department sales authority modified, forest resource assessment products and services account established, sustainable resources provision expiration removed, timber sales provided, and money appropriated.

Representative Anzelc moved HF631.

Representative Anzelc presented HF631.

Bob Tomlinson, DNR Forestry Division Assistant Director, testified in support of the bill.

The bill was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

HF1035 Solberg, first committee engrossment, Itasca County; tax-forfeited land assurance fee exemptions provided, and tax-forfeited lands leases authorized.

Representative Anzelc moved HF1035.

Representative Anzelc presented HF1035.

Jim Girard, of Cook Hill Girard and Minnesota Steel Industries, testified in support of the bill.

The bill was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

HF632 McNamara, first committee engrossment, Vermillion Highlands Wildlife Management Area designated.

Representative McNamara moved HF632.

Representative McNamara presented the bill.

Joe Kurcinka, DNR Central Region Director, testified in support of the bill.

Todd Iverson, U of M, testified in support of the bill.

The bill was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

Vice Chair Doty assumed the gavel at 7:36 P.M.

HF152 Scalze, first committee engrossment, Senior citizen resident fishing license provided.

Representative Scalze moved HF152.

Representative Nornes presented HF152.

The bill was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill..

HF325 Demmer, Senior citizen resident fishing license provided.

Vice Chair Doty moved HF325.

Representative Demmer presented HF325.

Bill Angerman, Lake Zumbro Forever Board, testified in support of the bill.

Dean Albertson, Chair Restoration Committee, testified in support of the bill.

Judy Ohly, Lake Zumbro Improvement Association, testified in support of the bill.

The bill was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

HF 516 Cornish, Blue Earth County Rapidan Dam study provided, and money appropriated.

Representative Gunther moved HF516.

Representative Cornish presented HF516.

Al Forsberg, Director, Blue Earth County Public Works, testified in support of the bill.

The bill was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

Representative Gunther moved that the minutes of March 13th be approved. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED.

The meeting adjourned at 8:16 P.M.


Melissa Hysing, Committee Legislative Assistant
More Info On This Meeting..

HF299 (Dill) Timber permit extension, cancellation, and terminations provided.
HF602 (Dill) International Wolf Center renovations funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF364 (Olin) Bovine tuberculosis disease transmission prevention funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF328 (Hosch) Stearns County grant provided to purchase land for Kraemer Lake Park, and money appropriated.
HF1126 (Eken) Red River mediation implementation funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF733 (Lieder) Red River Valley flood protection farmstead ring levees construction funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1522 (Lillie) Gateway Trail tunnel funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1373 (Hansen) Roadsides for wildlife program funding provided and money appropriated.
More Info On This Meeting..

Bills that were not heard during the earlier Environment & Natural Resources Finance Division hearing today are continued on the agenda for this meeting.
HF1788 (Ward) Silvicultural research funding provided to improve the quality and quantity of timber fiber, and money appropriated.
HF1903 (Sailer) Conservation officer position funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1045 (Dominguez) State lottery gross proceeds in lieu of sales tax distribution for metropolitan parks and open space clarified, and parks and open space commission member compensation modified.
HF1035 (Solberg) Itasca County; tax-forfeited land assurance fee exemptions provided for certain exchanged land.—not in Env. Fin. yet
HF278 (Hansen) Deer license surcharge imposed for deer management and reimbursing the cost of processing deer donated for charitable purposes, and money appropriated.
HF631 (Anzelc) Natural resources department sales authority modified, forest resource assessment products and services account established, decorative boughs provisions modified, sustainable resources provision expiration removed, and money appropriated.
HF1666 (Eken) Terrestrial and geologic carbon sequestration reports and studies required, and money appropriated.
HF632 (McNamara) Vermillion Highlands Wildlife Management Area designated.
HF325 (Demmer) Lake Zumbro restoration funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF152 (Nornes) Senior citizen resident fishing license provided.
HF516 (Cornish) Blue Earth County Rapidan Dam study provided, and money appropriated.

HF299 (Dill) and HF602 (Dill) have been removed from the agenda