6.02 COMMITTEE, SUBCOMMITTEE, AND DIVISION MEMBERSHIP. At least 30 days before the start of a regular session of the Legislature, the Speaker-designate must provide the minority political party caucuses with a list of the standing committees, subcommittees, and divisions proposed for the session. The Speaker-designate must prescribe the number of minority caucus members to be appointed to each committee, subcommittee, and division and may require general membership guidelines to be followed in the selection of committee, subcommittee, and division members.

If the minority leader submits to the Speaker-designate, at least 15 days before the start of the session, a list of proposed committee, subcommittee, and division assignments for the minority caucus that complies with the numbers and guidelines provided, the Speaker must make the proposed assignments with the purpose of attaining proportionate representation on the committees, subcommittees, and divisions for the minority caucus.

A committee of the House must not have exclusive membership from one profession, occupation or vocation. Members of a subcommittee of a standing committee or division appointed by the Speaker need not have members exclusively from that standing committee or division.

A member must not serve as the chair of the same standing committee or division, or a standing committee, subcommittee, or division with substantially the same jurisdiction, during more than the three immediately prior consecutive regular biennial sessions. This Rule does not apply to service as chair of the Committee on Rules and Legislative Administration.

Rule 6.03
Rule 6.01
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House Rules Index