1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 3467, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 145, after line 27, insert:

"1.3    Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2014, section 3.012, is amended to read:
1.5A legislative day is a day when either house of the legislature is called to order. A
1.6legislative day begins at seven o'clock a.m. and continues until seven o'clock a.m. of the
1.7following calendar day. A house of the legislature may not meet in a floor session between
1.812:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m., except on and after the first Monday in May.

1.10This section applies when one chamber of the legislature amends a bill that
1.11originated in the other chamber and sends a message asking that the chamber of origin
1.12concur in the amendments. At least 24 hours before the chamber in which the bill
1.13originated votes to concur or not concur in the amendments made by the other chamber,
1.14a written or electronic copy of the message requesting concurrence must: (1) be placed
1.15on the desk of each member of the chamber or delivered electronically to each member;
1.16and (2) be made available to the public.

1.17    Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2014, section 3.055, is amended by adding a subdivision to
1.19    Subd. 1b. Conference committees. (a) All meetings of conference committees
1.20must be open to the public. All conference committees must provide an opportunity for
1.21public testimony. Conference committees must give notice of a public meeting at least 12
1.22hours before adopting a final conference committee agreement.
1.23(b) At least 24 hours before a chamber acts on the report of a conference committee,
1.24a written or electronic copy of the report of the conference committee: (1) must be placed
2.1on the desk of each member of the chamber or delivered electronically to each member;
2.2and (2) must be made available to the public.

2.3    Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2014, section 3.098, is amended to read:
2.5(a) The house of representatives and senate shall by rule require detailed quarterly
2.6reports of expenditures by the house of representatives and senate to their respective
2.7committees on rules and legislative administration. These reports are public information.
2.8(b) The house of representatives and senate must publish information related to
2.9expense reimbursements to members, including per diem, mileage, lodging, and any other
2.10reimbursement, on a monthly basis. The house of representatives and senate must publish
2.11all committee budgets and a quarterly update on expenditures from those budgets. The
2.12house of representatives and senate must publish quarterly financial reports on all house
2.13expenditures. Publication must be on the legislative Web site.
"2.14Page 177, after line 10, insert:

2.17(a) No later than December 15, 2016, the Legislative Commission on Data Practices
2.18and Personal Data Privacy must study and recommend options for expanding public access
2.19to legislative records and meetings. The recommendations must facilitate increased public
2.20access, participation, and accountability in the legislative process, while also preserving
2.21the rights and duties of the legislature and its members to function as a constitutional
2.22coequal branch of government.
2.23(b) The study and recommendations should consider:
2.24(1) current laws, rules, and customs and practices of the legislature that provide
2.25public access to legislative records and meetings;
2.26(2) the experiences of other state legislatures in providing public access to their
2.27records and meetings;
2.28(3) the potential benefits and risks to the legislative process in expanded public
2.29access to records and meetings;
2.30(4) the potential benefits and risks to constituents and other individual members of
2.31the public in expanded access to legislative records and meetings; and
2.32(5) impacts on the administrative operations of the legislature in implementing any
2.33recommended change, including the potential for increased costs or staffing needs.
"2.34Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
2.35Amend the title accordingly