1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1065, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 127, line 15, delete "may" and insert "must" and delete "up to five" and insert "no
1.3fewer than 70"
1.4Page 127, line 24, delete "up to five" and insert "no fewer than 70"
1.5Page 128, line 12, delete "exceed five" and insert "fall below 70"
1.6Page 128, line 21, delete "five" and insert "70"
1.7Page 133, line 7, delete "may" and insert "must" and delete "up to five" and insert "no
1.8fewer than 70"
1.9Page 133, line 16, delete "up to five" and insert "no fewer than 70"
1.10Page 134, line 3, delete "exceed five" and insert "fall below 70"
1.11Page 134, line 12, delete "five" and insert "70"