1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 1065, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 12, line 2, before "The" insert "(a)"
1.3Page 13, after line 13, insert:
1.4"(b) Notwithstanding the uses prescribed in paragraph (a), any compensatory revenue
1.5earned at a school site attributable to lifting the 80 percent limitation when computing
1.6compensatory pupil units under section 126C.05, subdivision 3, must be used to provide
1.7students enrolled at the school site the option to attend school at a site in another school
1.8district or charter school located within or outside the student's enrolled charter school or
1.9school district. The revenue may be used for pupil transportation costs, student support
1.10expenses, and any other costs necessary to facilitate the student's movement to the new
1.11school site."
1.12Amend the title accordingly