1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 844, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 31, line 19, before the period, insert "and who agrees to try to pass the
1.3college-level skills examination or attain the requisite ACT or SAT scores during the term
1.4of the third, temporary one-year teaching license. Also at the request of the school district
1.5or charter school employer, the Board of Teaching must issue a standard teaching license
1.6to a teacher who, after being granted a third, temporary one-year teaching license, is
1.7determined by the school district or charter school employer, based on required teacher
1.8evaluations, to have been an effective teacher in each of the three consecutive school years
1.9during which the teacher taught full-time under a temporary, one-year teaching license"