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Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Page: Page Size: 5 Total Results: 68
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Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

Other bills may be added
Bills Added:
HF1012 (McNamara) - Waterfowl habitat improvement account disposition provided.
HF1011 (McNamara) - Trout and salmon management account disposition provided.
HF1088 (Drazkowski) - State agency natural disaster response provisions modified.
HF1440 (Beard) - Hydroelectric facility municipal approval exception provided.
HF1025 (Beard) - Energy rates, conservation and savings programs, utility cost recovery and investments, qualifying facilities and non-generating utilities, rate impacts, large energy customers, cold weather notices, hydropower, transmission lines, Public Utilities Commission approval for utilities' security issuance, Energy Reliability and Intervention Office establishement, the Energy Conservation Information Center and residential weatherization programs, Melrose Public Utilities Commission membership provisions modified, and money appropriated.
HF1283 (Hackbarth) - Recreational vehicle operating provisions and definitions modified, dual registration of motorcycles provided, nonresident off-road vehicle state trail pass required, watercraft titling requirements modified, and special vehicle use on roadways modified.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

Bills Added:
HF1471 (Hortman) - Electronic device recycling requirements modified.
HF908 (Torkelson) - Wetland Conservation Act modified.
HF1097 (McNamara) - Pesticide control, peatland protection, fees and fee disposition, invasive species provisions, cash match requirements, state water trails and waysides, Mineral Coordinating Committee, watercraft titling, special vehicle use on roadways, oxygenated gasoline requirements, Water Law, local ordinance requirements, waste management provisions, landfill cleanup program, and environmental review requirements modified; citizen oversight committees provided; adopt-a-WMA program created; dual registration of motorcycles and disposition of fees provided; nonresident off-road vehicle state trail pass required; and money appropriated.
HF1463 (Anderson) - Waste Management Act modified.
HF1451 (McNamara) - Shallow lakes management report required.
HF1513 (Torkelson) - Wholesale energy rate payment provided for qualifying facility.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Votes will be taken on all bills.
Bills Added:
HF716 (Gunther) - Mandatory environmental review requirements modified for certain facilities.
HF1122 (Anderson) - Pesticide application regulating authority clarified.
HF182 (Beard) - State and local water management study required.
HF1238 (Fabian) - Local ordinance requirements modified, and subsurface sewage treatment systems ordinance adoption delay extended.
HF1360 (Torkelson) - Environmental Quality Board modified and duties eliminated and reassigned.
HF1509 (Torkelson) - Clean Water Partnership Law modified.
HF1545 (McNamara) - Energy Reliability and Intervention Office established within Department of Commerce to replace Energy Issues Intervention Office and energy reliability administrator, and conforming changes made.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
All bills will be laid over for possible inclusion in an omnibus policy bill.
Bills Added:
HF1148 (Murdock) - Landfill cleanup program modified.
HF1243 (McFarlane) - White Bear Lake Conservation District authority modified.
HF1115 (Anderson) - Wildlife Management Area; adopt-a-WMA program created.
HF111 (Poppe) - Cedar River state water trail designated.
HF882 (McNamara) - Urban storm water retention pond buffers required.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF1230 (Fabian) - State land disposition of receipts modified; state parks, state recreation areas, state forests, and state wildlife management areas added to and deleted from; Mississippi River management plan modified; and public and private sales and conveyances authorized for certain state lands.
HF1097 (McNamara) - Pesticide control, peatland protection, fees and fee disposition, invasive species provisions, cash match requirements, state water trails and waysides, Mineral Coordinating Committee, watercraft titling, special vehicle use on roadways, oxygenated gasoline requirements, Water Law, local ordinance requirements, waste management provisions, landfill cleanup program, and environmental review requirements modified; citizen oversight committees provided; adopt-a-WMA program created; dual registration of motorcycles and disposition of fees provided; nonresident off-road vehicle state trail pass required; and money appropriated.
HF1353 (Dittrich) - Minnesota's permanent school trust lands independent authority created to manage, supervise, and administer.
Page: Page Size: 5 Total Results: 68
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