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Audio/Video Archives - 2007-2008 Regular Session

Health Care and Human Services Finance Division

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Page: Page Size: 5 Total Results: 55
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Health Care and Human Services Finance Division

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continuation of the morning agenda
HF655 (Huntley) Medicinal use of marijuana authorized, civil and criminal penalties imposed, and money appropriated.
HF1619 (Hilstrom) Incarcerated individuals allowed to remain eligible for medical assistance until conviction.
HF2181 (Abeler) Care coordination for children with high-cost mental health conditions provided through the U special kids program, and money appropriated.
HF175 (Erickson) MinnesotaCare; aid and attendance benefits from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs excluded from income definition.
HF221 (Urdhahl) Meeker County day training and habilitation provider rate reimbursement increased, and proposal required to address the disparity between providers across the state.
HF2275 (Norton) Dental providers critical access reimbursement modified, and additional staff required to administer critical access dental program.
HF2254 (Ruth) Waseca County nursing facility payment rates modified for services to ventilator-dependent persons.
HF1401 (Fritz) Reverse mortgage incentive program established, eligibility requirements and other standards provided, and money appropriated.
HF173 (Erickson) Nursing facilities payment rates in specified counties increased to the geographic group III median rate.
HF2091 (Huntley) Medical assistance funds transfer provided.
HF2004 (Atkins) Communities for a Lifetime Initiative funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF594 (Otremba) Medical assistance nonemergency medical transportation competitive bidding modified, level of need criteria specified, and reimbursement rate increased.
Other bills will be added…
HF601 (Walker) Crisis nursery grant program established, and money appropriated.
HF605 (Walker) Minnesota Family Investment Program and child care provisions modified.
HF2111 (Hosch) Workforce U; Minnesota Family Investment Program pilot program established, and money appropriated.
HF1169 (Walker) Child welfare provisions modified.
HF1023 (Slawik) Child support enforcement programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1290 (Slawik) Child safety system and child safety fund established, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF2005 (Ruud) Kinship navigator program established for grandparents and relatives raising related children, and money appropriated.
HF334 (Hosch) MinnesotaCare income exclusions allowed for certain medical expenses.
HF2317 (Loeffler) Hennepin County new chance program for young parents funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1722 (Murphy, E.) Pharmacy dispensing fee modified, and report required.
Other bills will be added

HF316 (Thao) removed from the agenda because already amended into HF605.

Health Care and Human Services Finance Division

HF1807 (Huntley) Inpatient hospital services payment required on a fee-for-services basis for the general assistance medical care program.
HF842 (Huntley) Child care, children and family, licensing, health care, continuing care, mental health, health insurance, and Department of Health provisions modified; and money appropriated.
HF1073 (Hamilton) Prescription drug removal from the formulary notice required.
HF1404 (Thissen) Hospital outpatient services rate increase provided for a specified essential hospital for children with disabilities.
HF1395 (Eken) Nursing facilities, ICFs/MR, and community-based long-term care providers rate increases provided; nursing facility payment rates floor established; long-term care payment rate account established; and money appropriated.
HF1857 (Eken) Native American juvenile treatment center study and predesign funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1289 (Heidgerken) Nursing home per diem reimbursements determination procedures modified.

Health Care and Human Services Finance Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF586 (Bly) Rice County nursing facilities designated as metro for determining reimbursement rates.
HF450 (Peterson, A) Big Stone County nursing facility planned closure rate adjustment authorized.
HF1812 (Carlson) Robbinsdale nursing home bed moratorium exception provided.
HF1620 (Kalin) Chisago County nursing facilities payment rates increased to geographic group III median rate.
HF2149 (Lenczewski) Hennepin County nursing facility property payment rate increased.
HF1720 (Lenczewski) Hennepin County nursing facility reimbursement rates increased.
HF1804 (Faust) Kanabec County nursing facility rate increase authorized.
HF1836 (Thissen) Nursing facility rate increase provided for the costs of code compliance, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF636 (Dittrich) Pediatric dentist participation in a state health care program definition modified.

HF1289 (Heidgerken) removed from the agenda.
HF1988 (Abeler) removed from the agenda.

Health Care and Human Services Finance Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF1361 (Fritz) Deaf and hard-of-hearing mentor program funding provided for families of infants and children that have a hearing loss, and money appropriated.
HF1071 (Huntley) Hearing aid and instrument loan bank established for infants and children who are deaf or who have a hearing loss, and money appropriated.
HF707 (Thao) Dental access for persons with disabilities study required.
HF911 (Thissen) Self-directed personal supports option established, supplemental aid standard modified, and money appropriated.
HF1297 (Huntley) Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities, community service providers, and nursing facilities rate increase provided.
HF781 (Loeffler) Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities to replace one larger facility authorized, payment rate for new facilities established, and money appropriated.
HF1583 (Nelson) Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities licensure authorized to replace one larger facility, transition period rate established, payment rate for new facilities provided, and money appropriated.

HF972 (Huntley) Removed from the agenda.

Health Care and Human Services Finance Division

HF305 (Huntley) Freedom to Breathe Act of 2007 adopted establishing public policy to protect employees and the public from hazards of secondhand smoke and prohibiting persons from smoking in specified areas.
HF1807 (Huntley) Inpatient hospital services payment required on a fee-for-services basis for the general assistance medical care program.
HF842 (Huntley) Child care, children and family, licensing, health care, continuing care, mental health, health insurance and Department of Health provisions modified. Public testimony on Articles 1,3,5,6,7,9

HF1811 (Huntley) Removed from the agenda.
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